Division02-Existing Conditions
Division06-Wood, Plastics, and Composites
Division07-Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division21-Fire Suppression
Division23-Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Division28-Electronic Safety and Security
1.1 Invitation to Tender
.1 Email tenders will be received by Horizon Health Network until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, March 20, 2025, at the office of Steen Knorr Architecture Incorporated, 11 Hillandale Drive, Grand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick E5K 3E1, email: admin@steenknorrarchitecture.ca for the following project.
The Moncton Hospital
Main Lobby
Level 1 & 2 Renovations
Moncton, NB
.2 Tender Documents will be available in:
.1 Electric format (.pdf) and or
.2 Print form
.3 To acquire documents, requests are to be made by email at admin@steenknorrarchitecture.ca, with complete contact information - company name, address, contact name, email and telephone number.
.4 Print copies of Tender Documents may be obtained from Steen Knorr Architecture Incorporated, 11 Hillandale Drive, Grand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick, by calling (5 06) 757-8858 and booking an appointment and upon receipt of a non refundable deposit of $100.00 + HST per set, payable to Steen Knorr Architecture Incorporated.
.5 A Mandatory site review will be held for General Contractors on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 10:00am. This will be the only opportunity for review of existing site conditions with the Horizon Health Representatives and all the consultants present and available to answer questions arising from the review of the site and the Contract Documents. Convene at Contractor Entrance at Level 0 of Hospital.
.6 Site access for the purpose of reviewing existing conditions is restricted.
.7 Tender Documents will be available for viewing at the Construction Associations in Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton, New Brunswick; Nova Scotia and at the office of Steen Knorr Architecture Incorporated.
.8 Sub-trade tenders for the following trades will close at the Moncton Northeast Construction Association Bid Depository at 2:00 pm., March 18, 2025.
.1 Electrical.
.9 General Contractor's Tenders must be accompanied by a security deposit in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the tendered quotation. The security deposit shall be in the form of a Bid Bond.
.10 Sub-trade tenders bidding through the Bid Depository must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the tendered quotation.
.11 The requirements of the New Brunswick Procurement Act apply.
.12 The lowest/highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Horizon Health Network
This is a tender notice only. In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.