No totals required.
This procurement is subject to the Quebec-New Brunswick Procurement Agreement and the Canadian Free Trade Agreement.
For ease of response an MS document has been posted on the New Brunswick Opportunities Network(NBON)to be filled in and returned with your bid document.
For those companies that receive bid documents from MERX you will need to register on the NBON system at to download the MS document. You are however, cautioned not to make any changes to our wording or your response may be rejected.
Should you have any trouble registering on the system please contact the HELP Line at 1-800-561-1422 in Canada or 506-444-5636 outside Canada.
To be delivered as and when required for the period indicated upon receipt of an official Release under Contract. The Province of N.B. does not guarantee that any amount, make, model, brand, item, part or service will be purchased.
Where the estimated value of the goods or services to be procured is below the lowest applicable threshold value of any relevant trade agreement, Service New Brunswick reserves the right to give preferential treatment to a prospective supplier from New Brunswick. Should this right be exercised, the following order of priority will apply: a) firstly, New Brunswick manufacturers if the goods to be procured are manufactured in New Brunswick; and b) secondly, New Brunswick vendors.
When bid submissions are evaluated on price:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the lowest-priced acceptable bid and the bid receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will be limited to 10%. When the lowest-priced acceptable bid before preferential treatment is applied is a New Brunswick vendor, the price differential under which a NB manufacturer preference will be applied will be limited to 5%.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by making the award to the NB supplier.
When bid submissions are evaluated on a point system:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the pricing component of the highest scoring acceptable bid submission and the pricing component of the bid(s) receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will be limited to 10%. When the highest scoring acceptable bid submission before preferential treatment is applied is a New Brunswick vendor, the price differential under which a NB manufacturer preference will be applied will be limited to 5%.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by allotting a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points to New Brunswick manufacturers' total scores and 4% to NB vendors' total scores. If no bid from a New Brunswick manufacturer has been retained for preferential treatment, New Brunswick vendors may receive a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points rather than 4%.
The decision to apply a preference will be at the sole discretion of Service New Brunswick. To be eligible, suppliers must meet the definition of NB supplier as identified by the regulation under the
Procurement Act. NB manufacturers should indicate in their bid that they are a NB manufacturer to be considered for the NB manufacturer preference.
Where permissible under the applicable trade agreements and the regulation under the
Procurement Act, Service New Brunswick reserves the right to give preferential treatment to a prospective supplier from New Brunswick. Should this right be exercised, the following order of priority will apply: a) firstly, New Brunswick manufacturers if the goods to be procured are manufactured in New Brunswick; and b) secondly, New Brunswick vendors.
When bid submissions are evaluated on price:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the lowest-priced acceptable bid and the bid receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will vary between 2.5% and 10% depending on the total estimated value of the procurement, in accordance with the ranges set out in the regulation under the
Procurement Act.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by making the award to the NB supplier.
When bid submissions are evaluated on a point system:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the pricing component of the highest scoring acceptable bid submission and the pricing component of the bid(s) receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will vary between 2.5% and 10% depending on the total estimated value of the procurement, in accordance with the ranges set out in the regulation under the
Procurement Act.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by allotting a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points to New Brunswick manufacturers' total scores and 4% to NB vendors' total scores. If no bid from a New Brunswick manufacturer has been retained for preferential treatment, New Brunswick vendors may receive a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points rather than 4%.
The decision to apply a preference will be at the sole discretion of Service New Brunswick. To be eligible, suppliers must meet the definition of NB supplier as identified by the regulation under the
Procurement Act. NB manufacturers should indicate in their bid that they are a NB manufacturer to be considered for the NB manufacturer preference.
New Brunswick Manufacturer Preference
By stating YES in the input box,
I confirm that I am a Manufacturer of goods
with a place of business in New Brunswick as defined below and am therefore eligible to be considered for the NB Manufacturer preference as defined in this solicitation document. If the input box is left incomplete the bid may be ineligible for the New Brunswick Manufacturer preference.
Place of business means an establishment where a manufacturer regularly conducts its activities on a permanent basis, is clearly identified by name and is accessible during normal business hours.
New Brunswick Vendor Preference
By stating YES in the input box,
I confirm that I am a Vendor of goods or services
with a place of business in New Brunswick as defined below and am therefore eligible to be considered for the NB Vendor preference as defined in this solicitation document. If the input box is left incomplete the bid may be ineligible for the New Brunswick Vendor preference.
Place of business means an establishment where a vendor regularly conducts its activities on a permanent basis, is clearly identified by name and is accessible during normal business hours.
*****AMENDMENT #2*****
Please note the following vendor questions and responses:
Q1. For pricing- If we choose option 1 for all inclusive rate, this hourly rate is to be displayed in "unit Price Including Discount" on line 1.1?
R1. Correct-the hourly rate would be inserted into "Unit Price Including Discount". and extended by multiplying the unit price by Quantity/Unit (1 in this case)-therefore the "Extended Price" will be the same as the "Unit Price Including Discount".
Q2. For pricing: The "Extended Price"--is this where you would like our price for the annual preventative maintenance for all sites? If so, do you want annual pricing, or 3 years pricing?
R2. We are looking for hourly pricing for the three year term of the contract. "Extended Price" is determined by multiplying "Unit Price Including Discount" (the hourly rate inclusive of all overhead and expenses) by Quantity/Unit (1 in this case)-therefore the "Extended Price" will be the same as the "Unit Price Including Discount".
Q3. Annex A shows 64 locations and Existing tower parts list shows 55 locations. Can you clarify if we are pricing the preventative maintenance on the 64 locations or the 55 locations. If it is the 64 locations, can the equipment at the 11 additional sites be provided?
R3. We provided the information for equipment at 55 of our sites. We do not have the detailed info on the other 9 sites, but it would be similar in nature.
Q4. Do you require proof of training on Liebert Systems?
R4. No, just certification for general HVAC install and service.
All other information remains the same.
*****AMENDMENT #1*****
Amended to include a vendor survey document attached to this Invitation to Tender.
All other information remains the same.
This Invitation to Tender consists of the
installation, repair, and maintenance of HVAC thermal units at various radio communications sites throughout the province of New Brunswick as per the Specifications attached to this document.
The resulting Contract(s) of Supply shall be for a three (3) year term--from June 30, 2022 to June 29, 2025 inclusive--with the availability of two (2) one-year Option Year periods upon mutual written agreement by both parties.
A contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest priced compliant bid(s) that meet(s) the Specifications outlined herein.
At the sole discretion of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, multiple contracts may be awarded to ensure timely and cost-effective service coverage throughout the province.
Specifications are attached to this Invitation to Tender.
Vendor should be prepared to deliver HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance services commencing June 30, 2022 to the locations detailed within
'Annex A - Site Locations'.
For emergency purposes, the contractor shall be required to be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
All inquiries should be received seven (7) calendar days prior to the closing date; any inquiries received less than 7 calendar days prior to the closing date cannot be guaranteed a response. Please reference the tender number and closing date within your communications to ensure a prompt and accurate reply.
Paper copies of bids are no longer accepted. Please see the clause below titled "Instructions for Bid Submission" for instructions to submit bids.
Vendors should attach a completed
'Annex B - Certifications' document with their completed Invitation to Tender document as a complete bid submission. Annex B is available in both Excel and PDF formats.
Interested vendors are invited to submit pricing in ONE of two available formats:
a. Option 1: A single hourly rate inclusive of all expenses; or
b. Option 2: A rate which is the sum of hourly labor rate, kilometric rate, and expenses.
The 'Unit Price Including Discount' and 'Extended Price' for any Option should NOT include taxes.
This is a tender notice only. In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.
Instructions for Bid Submission
1. Effective April 15, 2020, Service New Brunswick is no longer accepting paper bids,
and the Central Tendering Branch is closed to the public. Public tender openings are
no longer taking place; however, results continue to be posted on NBON.
2. Bids will only be accepted by electronic transmission as follows:
a. By e-bidding through NBON (when e-bidding is possible); OR
b. By fax to: (506) 444-4200 (fax to dedicated mailbox).
Note: Proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) will not be accepted by fax; OR
c. By email to or (do not submit bids to any other email).
Click here
Instructions for Bid Submission for important instructions on how to submit bids by email.
d. Please refrain from submitting your bid through multiple electronic channels
to avoid duplicate bids.
3. All bids must be properly signed by an authorized person.
a. For bids submitted by email or fax: typed signatures (in any font)
that are not on the bid itself (i.e. in the body of the email or on the
fax cover sheet) will NOT be accepted.
4. All bids must be legible, properly completed and contain the proper solicitation number.
5. The proponent is solely responsible for ensuring that the bid submission
in its entirety, including all attachments, is received before Closing Date and Time
as indicated on the solicitation documents.
a. The proponent bears all risk associated with delivering its bid by electronic
submission, including but not limited to delays in transmission between the Proponent's computer and the Province's Electronic Mail System, NBON or fax.
b. The date and time of official receipt of the bid will be the time of receipt
recorded in the NBON system (for e-bids) or the time of receipt in the Province's
Electronic Mail System (for fax and email bid submissions).
6. All bids must be stated in Canadian Funds. Sales taxes should not be included in
the unit, extended or total prices.
7. All tenders must be F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid.
8. This Invitation is being conducted under the provisions of the Procurement Act
and Regulation 2014-93 as of the date of the issuance of the Invitation.
Solicitation documents will be provided in either of the Province of New Brunswick's two official languages; English or French upon request.
A bidder must obtain official solicitation documents from a distribution service, authorized by the Minister of Service New Brunswick, in order to submit a bid. The current authorized distribution services are the
New Brunswick Opportunities Network (NBON) (operated by Service New Brunswick, Province of NB),
BIDSAlert (operated by Tendering Publications Ltd.) and
MERX (operated by Mediagrif Interactive Technologies). Bids should be submitted on the official bid documents
obtained from these authorized distribution services.
All suppliers engaged to deliver services on behalf of the Government of New Brunswick must ensure compliance with the
Official Languages Act in the delivery of those services. For more information, please refer to the
Official Languages Act.
COVID-19 Restrictions for Workers entering New Brunswick
All suppliers and workers entering the province of New Brunswick for work purposes must comply with the requirements established by WorkSafe NB and Public Health, including isolation requirements where applicable.
Click here for more information on these requirements.
The Atlantic Provinces Standard Terms & Conditions for Goods and Services apply to this procurement and are considered to be incorporated into this document. By submitting a bid, you agree and accept these terms and conditions. Current "Atlantic Provinces Standard Terms and Conditions" are available on the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, the Council of Atlantic Premiers' Website or from an authorized service provider.
COVID-19 Supplier Vaccination Policy
Suppliers must comply with all GNB health and safety policies and standards including, without limitation, all health and safety policies and standards related to COVID-19, as applicable. Go to to view the full policy and FAQs.
Under Canadian law (and international agreements), your Bid must arrive separately and independently, without conspiracy, collusion or fraud; see for further information.
Written questions relating to this opportunity may be submitted to the address provided below via email by clicking on Questions. Please be sure to include the solicitation/tender number in the subject line.
This email account is strictly for the receipt of questions on open opportunities. This email is not for the submission of bids.
All discounts quoted will be considered to be without limitations.
Award of contracts: no contract shall be awarded and no payment shall be made to a vendor unless authorized by the Minister or his delegates. The Minister may make an award to the preferred vendor conditional on the negotiation and acceptance of a detailed contract between the Province and the vendor. In such cases, should the detailed contract negotiations not be completed in a reasonable period of time, the Province reserves the right to discontinue negotiations with the vendor and
subsequently enter into negotiations with the second preferred vendor.
No right or duty, in whole or in part, of the vendor under a contract issued may be assigned or delegated without the prior consent of the Strategic Procurement Branch.
Unless indicated otherwise in this tender notice or attached documents, all prices must be extended and totalled.
The province of New Brunswick reserves the right to negotiate pricing, value added and other savings opportunities with the successful proponent at time of award and throughout the contract.
Pay Equity
Does your organization have 50 or more employees?
The Government of New Brunswick is committed to encouraging and incentivizing the adoption of pay equity by employers doing business with government.
Prior to the award of procurements for goods and services valued over $1,000,000, suppliers, with fifty (50) or more employees will be required to complete the Pay Equity Learning Module developed by the Women's Equality Branch. Suppliers should provide a copy of their certificate of completion with their bid submission.
To complete the online module and obtain your certificate, please visit For questions, please contact the Pay Equity Bureau toll free: (877) 253-0266 or by Email:
All Suppliers engaged to deliver goods or services to the Government of New Brunswick must ensure compliance with the Designated Materials Regulation in the provision or delivery of those goods obligated under that Regulation. Please refer to
Recycle NB's website and the
Designated Materials Regulation for specifics.
Payment of invoices is the responsibility of the department or organization to whom the goods are shipped or services are supplied.
Direct Deposit
The Province of New Brunswick is now using Direct Deposit as the standard method of issuing payments. Suppliers are required to provide bank account information and an email address for the notice of remittance. Please send the completed Direct Deposit Form to Service New Brunswick (e-mail address and mailing address are indicated on the form).
Please click on the link below to view the Direct Deposit Form.
Where the estimated value of the goods or services to be procured is below the lowest applicable threshold value of any relevant trade agreement, Service New Brunswick reserves the right to give preferential treatment to a prospective supplier from New Brunswick. Should this right be exercised, the following order of priority will apply: a) firstly, New Brunswick manufacturers if the goods to be procured are manufactured in New Brunswick; and b) secondly, New Brunswick vendors.
When bid submissions are evaluated on price:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the lowest-priced acceptable bid and the bid receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will be limited to 10%. When the lowest-priced acceptable bid before preferential treatment is applied is a New Brunswick vendor, the price differential under which a NB manufacturer preference will be applied will be limited to 5%.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by making the award to the NB supplier.
When bid submissions are evaluated on a point system:
- Applicability of the preferences will be determined based on the price differential between the pricing component of the highest scoring acceptable bid submission and the pricing component of the bid(s) receiving the preferential treatment.
- The price differential under which a NB supplier preference may be applied will be limited to 10%. When the highest scoring acceptable bid submission before preferential treatment is applied is a New Brunswick vendor, the price differential under which a NB manufacturer preference will be applied will be limited to 5%.
- The preferential treatment will be applied by allotting a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points to New Brunswick manufacturers' total scores and 4% to NB vendors' total scores. If no bid from a New Brunswick manufacturer has been retained for preferential treatment, New Brunswick vendors may receive a maximum of an additional 5% of the total possible points rather than 4%.
The decision to apply a preference will be at the sole discretion of Service New Brunswick. To be eligible, suppliers must meet the definition of NB supplier as identified by the regulation under the
Procurement Act. NB manufacturers should indicate in their bid that they are a NB manufacturer to be considered for the NB manufacturer preference.