The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government and its chief will receive bids for the rehabilitation of the pavement structure, the installation of concrete curbs and the paving of the following streets:
- Glitaw Street
- Milita'j Street
- Maligquanj Street
- Condo lane
- Giptu Crescent
- Gef Street
The Contractor must send its duly completed bid, no later than February 24, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Atlantic time/New-Brunswick (or equivalent to 1:00pm Eastern time/Québec), by email to the email addresses indicated in this tender document or addendums. Bids will be opened by videoconference, immediately after the end of the period granted for the submission of bids, by the Owner or his agent.
Documents relating to this call for tenders can be obtained by contacting the Service des appel d’Offres du gourvenement du Québec (SEAO) by contacting one of its representatives by telephone at 1-866-669-7326 or 514-856-6600, or by consulting the website, Documents may be obtained at the cost established by the SEAO.
Documents relating to this tender may also be obtained from MERX by contacting one of its representatives by telephone at 1-800-964-6379 or by visiting the website, . Documents may be obtained at a cost established by MERX.
The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government shall not be liable for any written notices or documents conveyed by these electronic means or for any errors or omissions whatsoever. Consequently, every tenderer must ensure, before submitting his tender, that he obtains all the documents related to the call for tenders.
The submission documents provided are in English and French. The French version shall prevail over the English version in the event of any discrepancy.
The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government undertakes no obligation to accept the lowest bids or any bids received and assumes no obligation of any kind to the bidder(s).
To be eligible to bid, the Contractor must comply with all the clauses described in Section B of the tender document and comply with the regulations in force in the province or territory where the Work is performed. Bids must be submitted on the forms indicated in the tender documents.