Description of Deliverables
SFU is seeking to partner with a Proponent to provide Waste Management Services that includes supply of bins, waste disposal, recycling and valued added services for the SFU Burnaby Campus. The term of the agreement is to be for a period of three years with two optional extension terms of 2 years each.
Currently, the bulk of SFU’s hauling, recycling, and specialized item services are managed by one contractor, however there are a few specialized items still handled by several different contractors.
Value added services for this contract include detailed reporting, best practice recommendations, an annual waste audit and sustainability initiatives. Throughout the term of the contract, the proponent will provide recommendations to SFU to guide waste reduction and reduce disposal costs. Also, the Proponent will need to monitor and inform SFU of legislative changes that may impact waste management services at SFU.
The Proponent is to provide Hauling, Recycling, and Value-Added services as outlined below:
- Supply front loading container types and sizes to fit SFU’s equipment and needs. All containers must be bear proof. SFU defines bear proof is metal lids and a method of locking the unit; current system is lock and chain.
- Supply roll-off bins of various sizes for short and long-term use when requested. Garbage and yard waste must all be in bear proof containers (see above for definition).
- All containers delivered to the site must be in new or like-new condition and freshly painted and be maintained in good operating condition at all times throughout the term of the agreement. The SFU Operations Supervisor will conduct an inspection to assess the condition of the containers from time-to-time and will, at no charge, request replacement of containers that do not meet the SFU standards.
- The Supplier must keep their containers in a hygienic condition free from objectionable odours and in accordance with all regulatory Health and Garbage requirements.
- SFU expects that after each pickup of a bin by the Vendor, the area within 10 feet of the bin to be clear of any debris, clean-up any spillage, and the bin to be disinfected for odour control.
- Driver(s) must report any damages to the containers to the SFU Manager, Custodial and Waste Services including but not limited to broken lids, casters, etc.
- Cover all costs and for the prompt replacement of Vendor supplied vandalized, damaged, or dirty containers as directed by the SFU Manager, Custodial and Waste Services.
- Provide on-demand and scheduled pickup services for all vendor supplied containers, and SFU compactors.
- Pick-up the waste at such times suitable to the operation of SFU; times shall be approved by the SFU Manager, Custodial and Waste Services.
- Trucks must have front-dump and back-dump bin scales.
- Vendor must be able to pick up in-ground Earth-bins for garbage, recycling/cardboard, and organic waste
- Vendor to guarantee and provide proof that the garbage is disposed in B.C. Government certified landfill sites twice annually, or upon request.
- Recycling services for mixed recyclable containers, mixed paper, cardboard, wood, metals, concrete, electronics (palletized by SFU) and disposal of banned landfill items to an approved waste or recycling depot.
- All services provided will be at an industry acceptable level.
- Transport waste to landfill, composting, recycling site(s) approved by SFU.
- Employees or representatives must adhere to all institutional policies and procedures including SFU Health and Safety requirements and be responsible to the SFU Manager, Custodial and Waste Services for observance
- Provide copies of all scale tickets with invoicing for roll off and compactor bins.
- Inform SFU of any changes to regulatory waste and recycling requirements, to ensure SFU is compliant.
- Support SFU in reducing costs through the introduction of separation management techniques.
- Provide professional assistance to the University and the ongoing development of its waste management plan.
- Provide advice and assist SFU in reaching its zero waste goals and in reaching a 100% recycling goal.
- Guarantee pricing and service for the original term of the contract, with no provisions for price increases except as outlined herein. Fuel surcharges must be mutually agreed upon by both parties to be considered valid. A fixed increase rate must be provided for each additional term as follows:
- Years 1–3: Fixed rates.
- Years 4–5: SFU prefers adjustments based on the inflation rate but is willing to work with the Supplier.
- Years 6–7: SFU prefers adjustments based on the inflation rate but is willing to work with the Supplier.
SFU acknowledges that the hauler has no control over disposal and landfill processing cost increases. Therefore, SFU requests that written notice of any changes to dumping fees be provided at least 30 days in advance of any increase.
- Monthly electronic reporting (website, MS Excel, etc.) including diversion rate, pickup dates, bin type, bin location, individual and summarized weight and volume weights by waste stream (i.e. garbage, compost, electronics, mixed recyclable containers, cardboard, etc.) delivered to SFU by 4pm on the 15th day of the following month. Reporting should include distinct standard categories: solid waste (to landfill), mixed recycling/containers, cardboard, mixed paper, compost, and yard waste. Reporting should also include distinct special categories such as e-waste, scrap metals, waste to energy, lightbulbs, Styrofoam and polystyrene, batteries, concrete, wood, and drywall.
- The Student Residences have three move-outs per year at the semester break. Proponent to provide 1-5 of the containers to support move out at an average of 3-4 locations. The compactors located in the Student Residences are emptied in advance of move-out and additional to the regular scheduled service. During the busiest move-out day containers are emptied as many as three times per day.
- Once per calendar year, the vendor must conduct a physical waste audit of four streams (plastics, paper, organic compost, and landfill) and submit a report to SFU to ensure ongoing accuracy of diversion reports. SFU may request additional audits. The audit should include:
- Overview of most contaminated streams (including % contamination)
- Most common source of contamination in each stream
- Recommendations/Requirements to reduce contamination
SFU expects the rates proposed in this bid will apply to any future buildings constructed at SFU during the term of the contract.
Currently, SFU owns all the garbage compactors, verti-paks and earth bins on SFU Burnaby Campus, and the current supplier provides front dump bins & roll-off bins.
SFU Burnaby Campus is subject to all City of Burnaby by-laws.
After the contract has been awarded to the successful Proponent SFU will discuss any issues regarding commencement date and transition timelines.