THE JACQUES CARTIER AND CHAMPLAIN BRIDGES INCORPORATED, commercial corporation legally incorporated, having its head office in Longueuil, Province of Quebec, established by the
St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Act and herein acting and exercising its powers as an agent of His Majesty in right of Canada (hereinafter, the “Owner”) invites you to submit a tender for Contract No. 62751
Melocheville Tunnel, P-113 Bridge Reconstruction, Approach Rehabilitation and Other Related Work (2025-2027) (hereinafter, the “Contract”).
The special sections of the Tender Documents (Section 0
Notice to Contractors, Section 3
Special Administrative Conditions and Section 4
Special Technical Conditions) for the Contract are available via “Merx” Private Tenders, at, at the following costs, which are payable by credit card directly to Merx:
The standard sections of the Tender Documents (Sections 1, 2 and 5 to 9) are reproduced on the Owner’s
website under the tab
Calls for Tenders /
Documents. The version of the standard sections of the Tender Documents that is applicable to this Contract is the “2023-07-10” version. These documents are incorporated by reference into the Tender Documents and form an integral thereof as if formally reproduced therein.
This Contract is covered by Chapter 5
Government Procurement of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and by Chapter 19
Government Procurement of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement / Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement.
Procurement strategy: lowest compliant Tenderer
Mandatory Occupational Health and Safety Pre-Qualification Procedure, Paragraph 2.2.3 of Section 2 Instructions to tenderers:
Please visit Cognibox’s website at, click on the
Get started button /
I would like to register /
I want to qualify for my Hiring Clients /
Fill out the form and follow the instructions in order to complete Owner’s Occupational Health and Safety Pre-Qualification Form.
If you have any questions, please contact Cognibox’s customer service at 1-877-746-5653 or the Owner’s Procurement Advisor at
The minimum annual fee for Cognibox is approximately $ 800 before taxes.
The Tenderers may visit the site independently. However, the Tenderers visiting the site independently are only authorized to visit the areas normally accessible to the public. Upon request, the Tenderer may also visit the site with a representative of the Owner, by making an appointment with the Owner’s Procurement Advisor (paragraph 2.7.5 of Section 2
Instructions to Tenderers).
The submission of a tender constitutes an acknowledgement that the Tenderer has read all Tender Documents and accepts the conditions set out therein. To do so, the Tenderer shall fill out Section 7A
Tender and Terms of Payment Form and transmit it no later than
March 20, 2025 at
3:00 p.m., Eastern Standard/Daylight Time by email at
To be eligible, the tender shall comply with the Tender Documents and be accompanied by a tender security, provided by an approved surety, in an amount not less than ten percent (10 %) of the total amount of the Price Table.
No tender or part thereof transmitted by fax, mail or any other means will be accepted nor if it is received after the closing date and time mentioned above. The time and date of receipt of the tender will be deemed to be the date and time indicated on the email transmitted to the Owner.
A tender submitted before the closing date and time may, prior to closing, be withdrawn or replaced.
The Tenderer may submit its tender in either of Canada’s two (2) official languages.
The Owner does not bind itself to accept any proposal, notably if the Owner determines that it is not in the public interest to award the Contract.