Contract title: Supplier tender P2-13.504 Heliport Platform
Contract number: 41162700
SEAO number: 20040861
To all interested parties,
The Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec is currently building a new hospital complex and renovating the existing one. To this end, the Quebec government has mandated the Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) to act as project manager.
This document sets out the information, instructions and dates for the Project and this Call for Tenders for a heliport platform. For a Response to be evaluated, both the Respondent and the Response must meet all eligibility and compliance conditions stipulated herein.
Location for Receipt of Responses
Responses must be received on paper or electronically.
a) Paper Responses must be received at the following address at the latest on the date and time deadline indicated in the Instructions complémentaires:
Bureau des soumissions/Bid office
525, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1R 5S9
b) Electronic Responses must be received via the SEAO at the following address: at the latest on the date and time deadline indicated in the Instructions complémentaires.
To ensure consistent interpretation of the Call for Tenders documents and facilitate the exchange of information, the SQI has designated the following email address for the Participants questions:
Société québécoise des infrastructures
Information Session
No information session will take place for this Call for Tenders.
Official Language
Pursuant to the Charter of the French Language (CQLR, c. C-11), contracts entered into by the Government, its departments and its organizations must be drafted in French, the official language of the Province of Quebec. Only the French version of the Request for Qualifications document is official and legally binding.