The Town of Canmore owns and operates two indoor recreation facilities. The Canmore Recreation Centre (CRC) opened in 1983, when the fulltime resident population was approximately 3,745 and has since undergone four major renovations. Elevation Place (EP) opened in April 2013, when the fulltime resident population was approximately 12,750.
Both facilities are well-utilized by the community and visitors to the area. With upcoming community expansion primarily attributed to the Smith Creek and Three Sisters Mountain Village Area Structure Plans approved in October 2023, projections indicate the full build-out of Canmore may reach up to 38,000 fulltime residents within 20 years. Canmore is also a significant draw for visitors, (an additional 10,000 or more people during peak visitation), many of whom use these facilities. A Recreation Facility Feasibility Study is the first step in assessing the future need for Town indoor recreation facilities; outdoor amenities are not being assessed.
The Town of Canmore (Town) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to select a qualified consultant to prepare a Recreation Facility Feasibility Study to assist the Town in updating the off-site levy (Town of Canmore’s by-law 2020-27). This work will require the Consultant to conduct a preliminary recreation facility needs assessment, define long-term needs, options and provide a feasibility analysis.