This request for proposal (RFP) is distributed with the intent to procure a qualified consultant to assist and oversee the development of job information, a job evaluation tool and process, a new salary structure, related policies, and a pay equity plan. Other phases of work will involve other compensation policies and developing and implementing a market analysis process.
Objectives include the following for approximately 100 non-union staff in the South East Health Unit:
•Job descriptions and/or job information for all non union jobs.
•Selection of a job evaluation tool
•Creation of a non union job evaluation process and related procedures.
•Support implementation of results of job evaluation including sorethumbing and banding and considering information required for a pay equity plan
•Develop a salary structure review
•Recommendations for compensation polices and practices.
•Develop a pay equity plan.
•Assist with a market review process and implementation.
The scope of services would broadly include:
•Collection and development of job information
•Selection of an appropriate gender-neutral job evaluation (JE) tool
•Completion of job evaluation review of all non-union jobs including sore-thumbing and banding process.
•Prepare a pay equity plan
•Develop a salary structure for non-union jobs.
•Set up processes to ensure future maintenance of job evaluation and pay equity.
•Lead analysis of current costs of non-union salaries versus new salaries.
•Develop implementation plan including projected costs for review and approval of SEHU.
•Provide support for implementation of new wage band structure and pay equity plan
•As part of implementation, train HR and other staff as needed on the use of the JE tool for maintenance purposes.
•Provide related documents, tools and files to SEHU
•Ensure JE tool (electronic) and related documentation are provided to SEHU
•Establish appropriate market comparators and complete market analysis