This RFP is an invitation to submit offers for the provision of a new Learning Management System (LMS) which will serve the needs of employees and students more effectively, RDP is seeking an updated, integrated cloud-based LMS to replace the existing platform, Blackboard Learn. The LMS serves as a centralized teaching and learning platform for delivering, managing, and tracking learning activities and resources. The transition to a modernized LMS should positively impact all courses and programs offered by RDP, fostering greater engagement between students and instructors while significantly improving the student experience.
We are seeking a system that will adapt and continue to support the Polytechnic’s needs for the next ten (10) years. The selected platform should allow RDP to be as self-sufficient in the management and development of the platform as possible. The platform must initially support approximately 11,090 students, with the ability to grow that number as required. This growth could include interactions with the entire Polytechnic population (faculty, staff and students). Additionally, the solution must recognize that non-credit continuing education learners have separate needs/requirements than credit learners and that RDP aims to build new pathways through Non-Credit, Dual Credit and Micro-Credential programming, generating new and sustained revenue for the institution.