Visit the project site and surrounding area before submitting a Bid.
A mandatory visit to the project site has been scheduled for 01:00:00 PM on February 21, 2025 at 237897 Inglis Falls Rd, Owen Sound ON.
All Bidders are required to attend and will be required to sign the “SITE MEETING ATTENDANCE SHEET”.
Representatives of the Owner and Consultant will be in attendance.
Inspect existing conditions and limitations, within the Place of The Work, including but not limited to:
means of access and egress;
surrounding, adjacent public and private properties outside the Place of The Work for existing conditions and limitations including, but not limited to, rights and interests of other parties which may be interfered with during construction;
municipal department requirements.
No adjustments to deadline for completion nor to Contract Price will be made for difficulties encountered due to conditions, features and peculiarities of the Place of The Work which are evident at time of Bid submission.
No allowances will be made for additional costs, and no claims will be entertained in connection with conditions which could reasonably have been ascertained by such investigation or other due diligence prior to submitting Bid.