The upcoming 4-5 years are a great time to consider the United States government market for business opportunities. Did you know that there are over 90,000 local governments throughout the 50 states? Local governments are in addition to the state and federal government offices, and include school districts, counties, cities, towns, villages, and special districts. Each of these local government entities makes purchases throughout the year and many are seeing budget increases due to stimulus and infrastructure funding passed by the US congress and signed into law last year. Is crossing the border for business opportunities a good fit for your company?
Overview of US Tender Opportunities
The US Federal Government is the single largest buyer in the world. It is estimated that over $550 billion in goods and services are purchased each year by agencies within the federal government. In addition, there are 50 state governments and, as mentioned above, tens of thousands of local governments each with their own budgets. The sheer volume of business opportunities issued daily by these government agencies can be overwhelming. Having a service such as Bidnet Direct to help sort through the volume of open tenders is key. You can find the right opportunities to focus on with Merx’s easy-to-use opportunity matching service for US Tenders featuring email alerts and a simple online categorical interface.
Overview of the Stimulus & Infrastructure Bill
The American Rescue Plan Act, passed earlier in 2021, includes $350 billion for a program known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. This fund is intended to help local governments replace lost tax revenue due to the pandemic. The Fiscal Recovery funding has an expenditure deadline of December 31, 2024 and many solicitations for technology needs including updated HVACs and critical capital projects are already underway.
The $1.2 trillion US Infrastructure Bill was also passed in late 2021 and should result in an influx of federal, state, and local tender opportunities over the next few years. In addition to baseline spending, the bill includes new spending of $110 billion on roads, bridges, and highways and $39 billion to modernize public transportation. Also, there’s $65 billion for broadband and another $65 billion for upgrades and repairs to drinking water systems. Other infrastructure, like ports and waterways, airports, power systems, and more should also see additional spending throughout the country.
An Open Tender for Each Industry
Although many of the recent bills passed for additional spending within the United States are geared towards construction, technology, and infrastructure, if your business does not fit into those industries, there are still plenty of other business opportunities for you. On any given day, open solicitations on Bidnet Direct includes over 100,000 business opportunities. Local, state and even federal government agencies within the US purchase all kinds of goods, services, and construction project needs. There is bound to be an open opportunity to fit your business. Search by keyword to get an idea of the projects out there that match your company to start tapping into the US market today.
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