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Pre-Bid Meetings: Do I Really Have to Go?

July 24, 2023

Pre-Bid Meetings: Do I Really Have to Go?

We get a lot of questions about how important pre-bid meetings are and if suppliers should go even if it says “optional”. There’s an obvious answer to that: Yes, you must go. But before you do, you should read this article to prepare yourself better before the pre-bid meeting.

What is A Pre-Bid Meeting and Why Attendance Is Important?

A pre-bid meeting is a critical component of the bidding process and is usually held about one week after a tender is announced. They are necessary for complex purchases and to clarify any concerns about the technical and financial components of the bid. These meetings also help vendors gain a better understanding of the scope of work and any requirements that may be needed for the job.

How To Prepare for A Pre-Bid Meeting?

If there is a pre-bid meeting, it is usually mandatory to attend to bid on the contract, so be aware of the time and place of this important meeting. If the tender documents are available, be sure to read them thoroughly and have questions and concerns prepared to talk about. Attending a pre-bid meeting requires registration, so you’ll want to make sure you are registered for all meetings you plan to attend. Following the instructions closely will assist you with the correct registration process.

A pre-bid meeting is your opportunity to meet the procurement team who will award the contract face to face, and it’s never too early to make a good impression. Even something as simple as sitting in the front row could make a difference. These meetings are also a wonderful way to network and promote your business so be prepared with materials such as brochures and business cards. This is also your chance to scope out the competition and see who you are up against so you can better position your company.

They Are Usually Online, But Some Might Require In-Person

Prior to the Covid pandemic, pre-bid meetings were in person. This lessened the pool of prospective responders as it is more difficult to go to a pre-bid meeting that’s not in your area. In-person pre-bid meetings may still be the norm for some agencies today, but once the pandemic hit, government agencies were forced to learn new systems that ensured safety protocols, so they advanced to online video conferencing tools for their pre-bid meetings. Covid is no longer a threat, but government agencies are still successfully using online video conferencing for their pre-bid meetings when convenient. This allows more vendors to participate in responding to their solicitations and makes it easier to expand your business into other territories. You can find tender documents on past and present tenders with Merx. Reading these tender documents will help you to get acquainted with pre-bid meetings and will point you in the right direction on where the pre-bid meeting will be and if it will be online or in person.

What Do Pre-Bid Meetings Include?

Some common protocols for pre-bid meetings include an introduction from the government entity’s procurement department, details about the scope of the proposal, supplier requirements, details of important technical aspects of the contract, and finally the Q&A period. Keep in mind your attendance and participation at these pre-bid meetings (specifically the Q&A session) is very important, allowing you to demonstrate your interest, competencies and professionalism to the personnel that will award the contract.

Attend as Much as You Can

These meetings are a wonderful opportunity to meet the procurement team and to present your company. You will also be face-to-face with prospects just like you for networking purposes. Take full advantage of these pre-bid meetings as they will provide you with a wealth of knowledge about the procurement world you may never otherwise experience. Even if you do not win the contract, you will be better equipped to write a winning tender proposal next time.

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