1. The Purpose and Explanation of an ACAN
An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows Service New Brunswick to post a notice indicating to the supplier community that the Province intends to award a goods or services contract to a pre-identified supplier by leveraging an alternative procurement method, as permitted by Regulation 2014-93 under the Procurement Act and applicable trade agreements. If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets the minimum requirements identified in
the ACAN, Service New Brunswick may then proceed to award a contract to the pre-identified supplier.
2. Rights of Suppliers
Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services or goods described in this ACAN may submit a Statement of Capabilities demonstrating how they meet the advertised requirement. This Statement of Capabilities must be provided in the manner and to the contact person identified in the document attached to this Notice on or before the closing date and time of the Notice. If it is determined that another supplier has clearly demonstrated they possess the required
capabilities, a competitive bidding process may follow.
3. Bilingual Documents
This ACAN will be provided in either of the Province of New Brunswick's two official languages; English or French upon request.
Refer to the attached document for all details on this ACAN.
****ACAN2425-006 Amendment 1 has been posted to NBON****
1. But et explication d'un PAC
Un pr avis d'adjudication de contrat (PAC) permet Service Nouveau-Brunswick de publier un avis pour informer la collectivit des fournisseurs de l'intention de la Province d'adjudiquer un contrat pour des biens ou des services un fournisseur s lectionn d'avance, conform ment au r glement 2014-93 de la Loi sur la passation des march s publics, et aux accords commerciaux applicables, le cas ch ant. Si, au plus tard la date limite, aucun fournisseur n'a pr sent un nonc de capacit s
r pondant aux exigences minimales pr cis es dans le PAC, Service Nouveau-Brunswick pourra octroyer le contrat au fournisseur pr -identifi .
2. Droits des fournisseurs
Les fournisseurs qui consid rent qu'ils sont pleinement qualifi s et disponibles pour fournir les services ou les biens indiqu s dans le PAC peuvent soumettre un nonc de capacit s dans lequel ils d montrent comment ils satisfont aux exigences minimales annonc es. Cet nonc de capacit s doit tre fourni de la fa on et la personne-ressource identifi es dans la pi ce-jointe ce Pr avis, au plus tard la date limite du Pr avis. S'il est d termin qu'un autre fournisseur clairement d montrer
qu'il poss de les capacit s requises, un appel la concurrence pourrait suivre.
3. Document bilingue
Ce PAC sera fourni dans l'une ou l'autre des langues officielles du Nouveau-Brunswick, soit l'anglais ou le fran ais, sur demande.
Consultez la pi ce-jointe pour tous les d tails relatifs ce PAC.
****ACAN2425-006 L'amendement 1 a t publi sur NBON****
This is a tender notice only. In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.
Solicitation documents will be provided in either of the Province of New Brunswick's two official languages; English or French upon request.
Excluded Jurisdictions
1. In accordance with section 162.1 of Regulation 2014-93 under the Procurement Act, US Bids for this solicitation may be refused at the sole discretion of the Government of New Brunswick. Refused bids will not be returned and there will be no further notification to refused bidders.
2. For the purpose of this section:
2.1 "US Bid" means a bid submission from:
a) a US Entity, or
b) a joint venture, syndicate, partnership or other business combination or cooperative arrangement in combination with a US Entity that is submitted from a Place of Business within the United States of America.
2.2 "US Entity" means
a) a business or professional organization, including without limitation a corporation, partnership, joint venture, professional corporation, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, trust or association or other commercial organization, that is created, established, formed or incorporated in any jurisdiction in the United States of America; and
b) any entity that is owned or controlled by an entity listed in paragraph 2.2(a); and
2.3 "Place of Business" means an establishment where a vendor or manufacturer conducts activities on a permanent basis, is clearly identified by name and is accessible during normal business hours.
Pay Equity
Does your organization have 50 or more employees?
The Government of New Brunswick is committed to encouraging and incentivizing the adoption of pay equity by employers doing business with government.
Prior to the award of procurements for goods and services valued over $1,000,000, suppliers, with fifty (50) or more employees will be required to complete the Pay Equity Learning Module developed by the Women's Equality Branch. Suppliers should provide a copy of their certificate of completion with their bid submission.
To complete the online module and obtain your certificate, please visit For questions, please contact the Pay Equity Bureau toll free: (877) 253-0266 or by Email: