TSL TA1750, Sicamous Boat, North Zone
Take notice that, pursuant to Section 20 of the Forest Act, Timber Sale Licence TA1750 is being offered for sale by the BC Timber Sales Okanagan-Columbia Business Area. Tenders will only be accepted from individuals or corporations registered as a BC Timber Sales enterprise in Category 1 (Market) & Category 4 (Value-added) under the BC Timber Sales Regulation.
Questions & Answers
Official Contact Name: Teresa Chrapko
All questions related to this Timber Sale Licence must be submitted in writing ONLY to the Official Contact by email. The deadline for receiving questions is 4:00 on February 24, 2025.
If questions are received, a Question & Answer document will be posted to BC Bid by 4:00 on February 27, 2025.
Please note, this TSL is part of a pilot project:
The Slash Pile Burning Reduction Pilot Project is an initiative by BCTS in fulfilment of commitments made in the Intentions Paper to increase the utilization of residual fibre and decrease the carbon emissions produced by the burning of slash piles. The purpose of this pilot project is to test methods that incentivize BCTS agreement holders to remove post-harvest residual material, either directly or in partnership with secondary fibre users, through conditions in the Timber Sale Licence. The project term is approximately 18 months long starting in early 2023.
- Assess the effectiveness of TSL conditions in incentivizing the utilization of post-harvest residual material.
- Quantify the reduction in slash burning.
- Quantify the effect the pilot has on price and cost of pilot TSLs.
Closing Date: March 6, 2025 at 1:30:00pm
Closing Location: Applications will be accepted by the Timber Sales Manager, Okanagan-Columbia Timber Sales Office, at: 2501 14th Avenue, Vernon, BC V1T 8Z1.
Geographic Location: Sicamous Boat - NZ
Total Estimated Timber Sale Volume: 13,259m3, more or less
- Estimated Net Cruise Volume: 13,259m3, more or less
Estimated Area: 32.8 ha.
Estimated Species: Hemlock (HE) 6,821m³(51%), Western Red Cedar (CE) 2,872m³(22%), Douglas Fir (FI) 2,246m³(17%), White Pine (WH) 791m³(6%), Balsam (BA) 487m³(4%), Birch (BI) 42m³(<1%), more or less.
The preceding volume and species estimates are based on samples from a Full Cruise. Please see tender package for additional detail. Bidders are strongly advised to conduct a thorough field review of the licence area to verify timber volume and grade estimates.
Licence Term: 18 months
Upset Stumpage Rate: $38.00/m³. The upset stumpage rate was determined in accordance with the Interior Appraisal Manual and applicable to coniferous sawlog grades.
The successful applicant will be required to implement and conform to the BC Timber Sales Environmental Management System and this TSL also conforms to the standards of the following forest management certification system: Sustainable Forestry Initiative.
Be aware that BCTS has made changes to its EMS and SFM programs to meet the updated 2022 Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Forest Management Standard. Changes impacting BCTS clients include new training requirements (Table 008-1, 0008-1A, Tailgate Training, SFI Awareness documents, and new Indigenous rights awareness information). In addition, note changes to EMS/SFM Environmental Field Procedures and Incident Reporting Procedures which occurred June 1, 2022. Supervisors and workers will need to get familiar with these changes prior to commencement of operations. These documents are posted on our external EMS/SFM website at
BC Timber Sales - Business Area Environmental Management System (EMS) and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca). More information on SFI available at
All individuals, corporations or partnerships who provide direction to workers or contractors who work or operate on TSL area(s) will be required to be certified as SAFE Companies, endorsed by the BC Forest Safety Council as new entrants, or certified under a safety certification scheme recognized by the BC Forest Safety Council or BC Timber Sales, or work for an employer that is so certified or endorsed. Please also refer to the following website for more information:
On July 8, 2022 the Provincial Public Health Officer (PHO) signed an Order under the
Public Health Act (update to earlier Orders) regarding the management of Industrial Camps to prevent and control the risk of transmission of communicable diseases, including SARS-CoV-2. The Ministry of Health has prepared a guidance document for employers and operators of Natural Resource Sector Work Camps, titled: Industrial Camps and Communicable Diseases Guidelines - Guidance for Workers, Contractors, and Employers in the Agricultural, Forestry, and Natural Resource Sectors on Implementing the Provincial Health Officer Industrial Camps Order- July 8, 2022. A copy of this guidance is available at the following weblink:
Additional information is available on the Office of the Provincial Health Officer weblink:
Applicants are encouraged to confirm the status of their BCTS Enterprise registration to ensure they are eligible to apply for this timber sale licence prior to submitting a tender. Please contact the BC Timber Sales Okanagan-Columbia Business Area if you are unsure of your eligibility to submit a tender.
All tender information provided for this TSL is subject to change. Any changes will be posted on this site before the closing date of the auction. It is the applicant’s responsibility to revisit this site to stay abreast of any changes that may affect their bid.