Amendment #3 Reponses to Bidder's questions.
Amendment #2 modifications to Appendix C-Bid Pricing Form and changes to route schedule in Appendix D-ITT Deliverables Section B Material Disclosures.
Amendment #1 change to schedule dates
This Invitation to Tender ("ITT") is an invitation by Service New Brunswick ("SNB") to prospective bidders to submit bids for the provision of daily courier services for Charlotte County Hospital, transporting mail and supplies to and from Saint John Regional Hospital.
The ITT documents are available in both official languages upon request.
This is a tender notice only. In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.
Solicitation documents will be provided in either of the Province of New Brunswick's two official languages; English or French upon request.
Pay Equity
Does your organization have 50 or more employees?
The Government of New Brunswick is committed to encouraging and incentivizing the adoption of pay equity by employers doing business with government.
Prior to the award of procurements for goods and services valued over $1,000,000, suppliers, with fifty (50) or more employees will be required to complete the Pay Equity Learning Module developed by the Women's Equality Branch. Suppliers should provide a copy of their certificate of completion with their bid submission.
To complete the online module and obtain your certificate, please visit For questions, please contact the Pay Equity Bureau toll free: (877) 253-0266 or by Email:
COVID-19 Supplier Vaccination Policy
Suppliers must comply with all GNB health and safety policies and standards including, without limitation, all health and safety policies and standards related to COVID-19, as applicable. Go to to view the full policy and FAQs.