An advanced contract award notice (ACAN) is a public notice indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services, or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding, by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date and time stated in the ACAN, the contracting officer may then proceed with the award to the pre-identified supplier.
1. Definition of the requirement:
The Correctional Service Canada has a requirement to increase the heating and cooling capabilities in two Ford Econoline E-450 Super Duty – 10 Passenger vehicles. The work will involve the following:
1.1 Objectives:
To increase the vehicles current heating and cooling systems in the rear passenger areas.
1.2 Tasks:
The contractor must:
1. Provide a permanent solution to increase heating and cooling capabilities in the rear passenger areas.
2. The contractor must provide a solution to modify the existing system and installation of an additional compressor and condensers to increase the heating and cooling capabilities in the passenger area Install, connect, charge, and test new supplementary systems.
3. Provide training on new supplementary system.
4. Provide a 1-year warranty on all parts and labor.
1.2 Expected results:
Ability to maintain a temperature between 20 - 24 degrees Celsius in passenger areas during all weather conditions.
1.3 Performance standards:
a) All of the Contractor’s work must comply with the applicable provincial and national road safety acts.
b) The contractor must document all heating and cooling systems modifications.
c) The contractor must document any installation of a supplementary heating and cooling system.
1.5 Deliverables:
1.5.1 The contractor must provide all manuals for installed systems. The contractor must document all modifications and installation of new equipment.
1.5.2 Paper consumption:
a. Should printed material be required, double sided printing in black and white format is the default unless otherwise specified by the Project Authority.
b. The Contractor must ensure printed material is on paper with a minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest.
c. The Contractor must recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).
1.6 Constraints:
1.6.1 Location of work:
a. The Contractor must perform the contractor’s place of business.
b. Travel
ii. No travel is anticipated for performance of the work under this contract.
1.6.2 Language of Work:
The contractor must perform all work in English.
1.6.3 Security Requirements:
There are no security requirements associated to this contract.
2. Criteria for assessment of the statement of capabilities (minimum essential requirements):
Any interested supplier must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities that it meets the following requirements:
Experience: must possess a minimum of five (5) years of experience repairing and installing HVAC systems in vehicles prior to the ACAN closing date.
Professional designation, accreditation and/or certification:
Contractor must have Journeyman Mechanics that are certified in Air Conditioning and Heating of vehicles. Contractor must be a registered business in Alberta.
3. Applicability of the trade agreement(s) to the procurement
This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.
4. Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business
This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Indigenous Suppliers.
5. Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement(s)
This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.
6. Justification for the Pre-Identified Supplier
There is a limited number of suppliers who have the experience and capabilities to provide a solution that meet the specified requirements.
The pre-identified supplier meets all of the minimum essential requirements described in this ACAN.
7. Government Contracts Regulations Exception(s)
The following exception to the Government Contracts Regulations is invoked for this procurement under subsection:
(d) only one person is capable of performing the contract.
8. Exclusions and/or Limited Tendering Reasons
This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.
9. Ownership of Intellectual Property
Ownership of any foreground intellectual property arising out of the proposed contract will vest with the contractor.
10. Period of the proposed contract or delivery date
The proposed contract is for a period of 1 year from April 1st, 2025, to July 2, 2025.
11. Cost estimate of the proposed contract
The estimated value of the contract, including option(s), is $59,500.00 (GST/HST extra).
12. Name and address of the pre-identified supplier
Name: Tomahawk Industries Ltd.
Address: #8 55 Alberta Ave, Spruce Grove, AB, T7X 3B1
13. Suppliers' right to submit a statement of capabilities
Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the goods, services or construction services described in the ACAN, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this notice on or before the closing date and time of this notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements.
14. Closing date and time for a submission of a statement of capabilities
The closing date and time for accepting statements of capabilities is March 27th, 2025
15. Inquiries and submission of statements of capabilities
Inquiries and statement of capabilities are to be directed to:
Katherine Booth
Regional Procurement Officer
Telephone: (306)659-9300
Facsimile: (306)659-9317