The Town of Truro invites tenders on landscaping work within the Town of Truro. Landscaping work is generally broken in to two categories:
1. Landscape Repairs: This work includes repairs to public and private property that has been damaged throughout the year, particularly during winter snow clearing operations. Repairs can include tire ruts on lawns, plow damage, or other small repair/maintenance projects that arise throughout the year. The size and severity of these repairs varies from property to property but are typically under 15 sq. yd. Pricing for repair work is to include all routine prep work such as cutting and disposal of sod or use of sod as infill, extra infill if not substantial, potentially additional topsoil beyond the standard 4” required, and supply and placement of new sod. Work is to be completed in accordance with Sections 32 91 19 (Topsoiling and Finishing Grading) and 32 92 00 (Seeding and Sodding) of The Standard Municipal Specifications for Municipal Services (2022 Update or most recent). Cutting of the grass will be the responsibility of the Town and/or property owner. Successful bidder is expected to be able to respond to repairs within 48 hours’ notice.
2. Capital Reinstatement: This work generally includes the supply and placement of topsoil and sod following the completion of capital construction work (i.e. street reconstruction, curb and gutter, sidewalks, etc). Reinstatement includes areas behind the curb gutter as well as behind sidewalks. Areas between curb and sidewalk may require some fine grading prior to placement of topsoil and sod. Reinstatement behind sidewalks, or behind curbs where there are no sidewalks, includes any additional prep work such extra infill if not substantial, cutting of existing grass, or minor reshaping of banks to match new infrastructure. All work shall extend behind the sidewalk or curb as necessary to blend the lawns back into sidewalk or curb. These limits will be set by Town staff. Work is to be completed in accordance with Sections 32 91 19 (Topsoiling and Finishing Grading) and 32 92 00 (Seeding and Sodding) of The Standard Municipal Specifications for Municipal Services (2018 Update or most recent). Cutting of the grass will be the responsibility of the Town and/or property owner. Successful bidder must be able to begin landscaping work within 1 week following the completion of each capital project.