• Review the existing systems and operation of the HVAC systems at the Parkland pump station
• Develop a list of possible HVAC technologies that could be used for upgrading the HVAC system to meet existing code requirements, reduce failures during cold weather, and reduce corrosion due to exposure to H2S
• Compare options in a workshop shop setting in terms of costs, risks, operability, and maintainability
• Record and distribute meeting notes
• Establish the base for detail design, including the temperature control and air exchange rates and complete the conceptual design of the chosen option
• Description of control philosophy with set points and operating ranges for all equipment, at normal and extreme conditions
Depending on the assessment results and the recommended solutions from the conceptual design, the project will continue into a detailed design phase. The detailed design should include:
• Design the new HVAC system to replace or upgrade the existing HVAC system that meets current codes for sewage lift stations.
• Design the building modifications needed to effectively isolate the different building classification areas of the building to meet code requirements.
• Work with the ACRWC Design Review Team to develop the new HVAC systems commissioning plans.
• Ensure that the existing backup generator has capacity to power the new systems.
• Consider installing rooftop safety handrails/ tie off points due to the increased maintenance activities for rooftop exhaust blowers if needed.
• Complete the detailed design utilizing 3 design review workshops with the internal ACRWC design review team.
- 30% Design submission
- 60% design submission, including
- risk assessment
- first version of Commissioning Plan
- first version of Control Narrative update
- 95% design review, including
- pre-tender estimate of probable costs.
- commissioning plan update
- Control narrative update
• Develop an “Issued for Tender” (IFT) package that includes:
o Front end tender documents that legally protect the ACRWC.
o Equipment specifications as developed during the design phase.
o Drawing package that follows the ACRWC drawing number system.
o Include a demolition plan.
o IFT level commissioning plan for all new systems.
o Develop an equipment list that identifies existing equipment that will be demolished as well as new equipment to be installed.
o Process control narratives for the new HVAC systems in ACRWC format.
o QA/QC plan during construction.
o Include the development of instrumentation loop drawings for all new systems.
o Include the requirements for an ECO plan from the construction contractor.