RFI responses will be accepted by the City of Moncton in a DIGITAL FORMAT through the City of Moncton's "Bids&Tenders" electronic bidding platform @ .
The City will NOT accept RFI responses submitted in a printed format.
Electronic RFI Submission:
(a) RFI responses shall be submitted through the City of Moncton's "Bids&Tenders" electronic bidding platform @ prior to the official Closing Date and Time specified herein.
(b) A "Vendor Account" must be created in order to register as an official "Plan Taker" for this RFI opportunity, and submit an electronic RFI response.
(c) Detailed instructions on how to create a "Vendor Account" and submit an electronic response are available through the City of Moncton's website @
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit information and feedback from firms who may be interested in submitting a detailed bid / proposal in response to a future bidding opportunity for the supply, implementation and hosting of an Event Ticketing and General Admissions solution for its municipally-operated tourism destinations and venues, and for events taking place at its municipal facilities.
Although the City possesses a general familiarity with the capabilities of general admissions and ticketing solutions available in the Canadian marketplace, it is not known if a ticketing solution exists in the marketplace which offers one (1) or more of the enhanced operational / functional features identified in Article 15.3 of the RFI document.
Therefore, the City has chosen to undertake a Request for Information (RFI) process to determine if a hosted event ticking and general admissions software solution exists within the marketplace which offers ANY OR ALL of the City's desired enhanced features outlined in Article 15.3. The City intends to use the market intelligence gathered through this RFI process to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) that will be issued to market shortly thereafter.
This is a tender notice only. In order to submit a bid, you must obtain official tender documents from the New Brunswick Opportunities Network, another authorized tendering service or as indicated in the tender notice.