Online Train the trainer Basic Food Safety Training and Course content to offenders
This requirement is for: The Correctional Service of Canada CORCAN, Prairie Region.
Trade agreement: This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.
Tendering procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid.
Competitive Procurement Strategy: lowest priced compliant bid for each location.
Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business:
This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Indigenous Suppliers.
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement:
This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.
Security Requirements: This standing offer does not include security requirements.
Nature of Requirements:
The following is a summary of the statement of work for this requirement.
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) CORCAN has a requirement to provide third party certification for Food Safety Training to groups of offenders at various institutions in the Prairie Region. CSC requires a train the trainer program for CSC staff members who will deliver the program to offenders.
CSC may award up to a maximum of two (2) Standing Offers one (1) per each location as a result of this request for standing offer.
One (1) standing offer (SO) for Location 1 – Saskatchewan; and
One (1) standing offer (SO) for Location 2 – Manitoba
Objectives: To provide a certified online self-study Basic Food Safety Train the Trainer program to staff at all institutions in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, on an as and when requested basis.
To provide Basic Food Safety course content that certified CSC Basic Food Safety trainers will deliver to groups of offenders, and certification for offenders who successfully completed the course.
Deliverables: The Contractor must
Stream 1 – Train the trainer course
• Provide a Train the Trainer Basic Food Safety LEVEL 1 self-study online training program, that meets current Canadian food safety and health standards and is recognized in the province of delivery.
List of approved provincial regulating bodies:
For Saskatchewan: Courses approved by Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Health
For Manitoba: Courses approved by Manitoba Health
Approval from a current certified Public Health Inspector from either Province
• Provide accredited certification documents approved by the appropriate provincial regulating bodies to successful Train the Trainer participants. Certificates must be valid for at least 3 years.
For each online Train the Trainer course, the Contractor must provide:
a) A copy of the National Food Safety Trainer Guide.
b) An Online training program, including course content, available online support for any questions or issues, and a final exam. The exam must include a passing mark or a minimum result participants must achieve to determine if they have successfully completed the course.
c) Provide either a hard copy or a downloadable, printable version of a certificate for successful participants indicating they are certified to teach Basic Food Safety Course.
Stream 2 – Basic course
• Provide a Basic Food Safety training program content that successful participants of the Train the Trainer Basic Food Safety LEVEL 1 training program will deliver. The program must be approved by the appropriate regulating bodies.
For the delivery of each Basic Food Safe course given by CSC certified trainers the contractor must provide:
a) Registration for students enrolled in course.
b) Course training materials including, content, handouts or booklets, exams and certificates. The exams must include a passing mark or a minimum result participants must achieve to determine if they have successfully completed the course.
c) A second attempt for unsuccessful participants to successfully complete the exam.
The contractor must perform all work in ENGLISH.
Any conditions for participation of suppliers not specified in solicitation documentation: none.
Estimated quantity of commodity: see solicitation document statement of work and basis of payment.
Duration of Standing Offer and Time Frame for Delivery:
Period of the Standing Offer: The Work is to be performed during the period of date of issuance to May 31, 2026 with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods.
File Number: 21C50-24-4311467
Contracting Authority: Linda Mandeville
Telephone number: 438-357-6503
NOTE TO BIDDERS: Bidders can obtain the complete statement of work and evaluation criteria by downloading the solicitation document and associated documents from the Canada buys / tender opportunities website.
The Crown reserves the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.
Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada (English or French).
After contract award, bidders may request a debriefing on the results of the bid solicitation process. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the results of the bid solicitation process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.
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