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Natural Resources Services

(114 results)
114 results
TA2294-A Haylmore Creek BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN 10 day(s) left Published 2024/12/03 Closing 2024/12/13 443339263778
580 Booth, 12th Floor, Fit-up Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC) Ontario, CAN 21 day(s) left Published 2024/12/02 Closing 2024/12/24 22784966055
RFP-2024-LCLP-540: Corridor Access Control System Metrolinx Ontario, CAN
Southern Ontario, CAN
51 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/23 443335993116
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TA2594, TPL - DC, Kiskatinaw BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN 13 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2024/12/17 443336172809
TA2615 MacDonald FSR BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN 35 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/07 443336172808
A95450 - Sproat-Kanyon - Pre-Advertisement BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN 36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/09 443336172807
PGO RFP Governance and Regulatory Practice Review Professional Geoscientists Ontario Toronto, ON, CAN 55 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/27 3245734512
Replace Control System for Environment Controlled Rooms BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Manitoba, CAN
Winnipeg, MB, CAN
36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/08 443335993107
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TOSORONTIO TRACT TIMBER SALES County of Simcoe Ontario, CAN 2 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2024/12/05 443335953364
EJ196-241783_Uplands, Dow’s Lake and Beechwood Cemetery _Janitorial Services_NCR Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC) Canada 44 day(s) left Published 2024/11/29 Closing 2025/01/16 22784966035
BACTERIOLOGICAL SERVICES FOR PRIVATE WATER SYSTEMS IN MANITOBA Environment and Climate Change Manitoba, CAN 35 day(s) left Published 2024/11/28 Closing 2025/01/07 3244564460
Lobby Expansion - Traffic Building BGIS - PWGSC RP1 All of Manitoba, MB, CAN 38 day(s) left Published 2024/11/28 Closing 2025/01/10 443335144970  (opens in a new window)
Fire Separation Repairs BGIS - PWGSC RP1 ON - 40 - Middlesex, ON, CAN 36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/28 Closing 2025/01/08 443335164815  (opens in a new window)
TA0318 - Paterson Creek - Pre Advertisement BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN 8 day(s) left Published 2024/11/28 Closing 2024/12/11 443335197778
RFPQ - Energy Modelling Services & Evaluations for New Homes Program Efficiency Manitoba South Central, MB, CAN
Parklands, MB, CAN (...)
14 day(s) left Published 2024/11/28 Closing 2024/12/17 3243728654
Remplacement des refroidisseurs BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Ile-de-Montréal, QC, CAN 36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/27 Closing 2025/01/08 443333034414  (opens in a new window)
Mise en oeuvre de l’EVCS dans Région de Québec (QC) BGIS - PWGSC RP1 All of Quebec, QC, CAN 36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/27 Closing 2025/01/08 443333034413  (opens in a new window)
Forest Harvesting Operations Service University of British Columbia British Columbia, CAN 1 day(s) left Published 2024/11/26 Closing 2024/12/04 443332480214
TA2497-A, TPL - DC, Noel BC Timber Sales - Timber Auctions British Columbia, CAN Not Stated Published 2024/11/26 Closed 2024/12/03 443332299513
General Contracting Service DND RFSO Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC) Canada 14 day(s) left Published 2024/11/26 Closing 2024/12/17 22784965709
CBCP003944 - Ottawa Newsroom Revitalization - General Contracting Services PDS-BGIS Ontario, CAN
ON - 11 - Ottawa, ON, CAN
8 day(s) left Published 2024/11/25 Closing 2024/12/11 443330749513
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Réfection de la voie pour les véhicules pompiers BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Quebec City and Area, QC, CAN
Quebec, CAN
34 day(s) left Published 2024/11/25 Closing 2025/01/06 443331035516
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Échantillonnage et analyse des effluents des eaux usées - RP1 QC BGIS - PWGSC RP1 All of Quebec, QC, CAN
Quebec, CAN
36 day(s) left Published 2024/11/25 Closing 2025/01/08 443331027354
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Request for Qualification (RFQ) – BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS - TWO PHASE SELECTION PROCESS Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC) Ontario, CAN 38 day(s) left Published 2024/11/25 Closing 2025/01/10 22784965572
W0125-25WR04-B - Television Signal Service – CFB Trenton Department of Public Works and Government Services (PSPC) Quebec, CAN 13 day(s) left Published 2024/11/25 Closing 2024/12/16 22784965602

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