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Trouver des appels d’offres ouverts en City of Ottawa

(39 résultats)
39 résultats
FCS / FS Rust Control Services City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 10 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-20 Date de fermeture 2024-10-16 3130473279
PWD/RPS/ Winter Control Equipment for Transitway Stations and Park and Rides City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 18 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-10-02 Date de fermeture 2024-10-24 3159157716
Professional IT Services City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 25 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2018-03-29 Date de fermeture 2024-10-31 730925363
Supply and Deliver Two Forestry Trucks with Lift Axle, Crane and Grapple City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 3 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-03 Date de fermeture 2024-10-09 3097747817
IWSD/IS/DCMB CP000511 Albert Street Streetscaping and Cave Creek Collector Sewer City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 39 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-05 Date de fermeture 2024-11-14 3112679217
PWD/PMFS/FM/ 10 inch and 20 inch Brush Chipping Services City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 2 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-11 Date de fermeture 2024-10-08 3119660181
PDBD/TP Kanata North Transitway Environmental Assessment Review and Addendum City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 12 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-13 Date de fermeture 2024-10-18 3122661215
TS / TBOM Supply and Deliver Articulated Bellows and Components City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 1 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-17 Date de fermeture 2024-10-07 3126289715
PWD/RPS/ Snow and Ice Control at Pay and Display Machines City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 2 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-20 Date de fermeture 2024-10-08 3132435355
41524-76560-Q01 RFQ Supply Install and Deliver Two Rear Scrapers for Plow Trucks City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 8 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-23 Date de fermeture 2024-10-14 3132435362
IWSD/IS/DCMB Integrated Renewal Bullock, Toronto and Rideau Garden City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 16 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-23 Date de fermeture 2024-10-22 3132365458
IWS/IS/DCFB Lansdowne 2.0 City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 25 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-09-24 Date de fermeture 2024-10-31 3136575314
IWSD/WFTS/ Caustic Tank No. 2 Recoating - Britannia City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 17 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-10-02 Date de fermeture 2024-10-23 3159119451
Septic and Vacuum Truck Services Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. Ottawa, ON, CAN 25 jour(s) restant(s) Date de publication 2024-08-28 Date de fermeture 2024-10-31 3084635202

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