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Construction Services

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1,227 results
Abinojii Mikanah Westbound - Rubblization and Mill and Fill The City of Winnipeg Winnipeg, MB, CAN 14 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/09 3388002278
INDIGENOUS PRIMARY HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION Critchley Hill Architecture Inc. Kingston-Pembroke, ON, CAN 29 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/24 3388002265
City of Dauphin Wastewater Lagoon Expansion and Upgrades Stantec Parklands, MB, CAN 21 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/16 3388154873
Parks Canada - Resolute Bay Staff Residence Penn-co Construction Canada (2003) Ltd. Nunavut, NU, CAN 20 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/15 3387921926
Réfection de la toiture et de l’enveloppe BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Eastern Townships, QC, CAN 27 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/22 443456694374  (opens in a new window)
HX502098-G1-S117 Tribute Tower Lighting Retrofit Johnson Controls Halifax, NS, CAN 30 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/25 3388154866
RFP201189 - Snare Cascades Membrane Replacement Northwest Territories Power Cor Northwest Territories, NT, CAN 19 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/14 3387993665
Request for Prequalification (RFPQ) for Roofing Contractor Colliers Project Leaders Toronto, ON, CAN 13 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/08 3388154865
IWSD/IS/DCFB CF000831 35 Stafford Road Asphalt Parking Renewal City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, CAN 22 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/17 3387921922
General Contractor Service: Renovation of Restaurant and Market Yaqwa Development Corporation British Columbia, CAN 5 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/03/31 443457384223
Scott Creek Middle Dust Extraction Upgrade The Board of Education of School District No 43 (Coquitlam) British Columbia, CAN 26 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/21 443457384215
The Surrey City Development Corp (the “Owner”) invites Tenders for demolition and abatement of the 40-Unit Townhouse Complex located at 10744 133 Street, Surrey, British Columbia. Surrey City Development Corporation British Columbia, CAN 8 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/03 443457384213
ITT 5351 Rainwater Leader Repair Selkirk College British Columbia, CAN 22 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/17 443457384206
Hans Helgesen Sewage Treatment Plant Replacement School District 62 Sooke British Columbia, CAN 20 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/15 443457384203
RM440-2025-03 Three Year Gravel Haul Tender Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 Saskatchewan, CAN 15 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/10 443457341926
Application of Calcium Chloride/Magnesium Hydroxide District of Lakeland No. 521 Saskatchewan, CAN 26 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/21 443457341923
RM 370 - Road Construction Rural Municipality of Humboldt No. 370 Saskatchewan, CAN 12 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/07 443457341917
Gravel Crushing Rural Municipality of Livingston No. 331 Saskatchewan, CAN 40 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/05/05 443457341913
Request for Tenders for Watermain and Sewer Replacement, Sidewalk Installation and Road Resurfacing on various roads in North York, Etobicoke York and Toronto East York districts City of Toronto Ontario, CAN 30 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/25 443457260499
T 25-024 - DMAF GRANT – SUPERIOR SEWAGE LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT City of Victoria British Columbia, CAN 23 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/18 443457242628
Frink CA - Pavilion Enclosure Quinte Conservation Association Ontario, CAN 36 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/05/01 3387993661
Fibre Optic Cabling: Abernethy Way City of Maple Ridge British Columbia, CAN 20 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/15 443457242623
T11SE25110-G60-380-BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS - GROUP 33 Toronto Transit Commission - PCM Capital Toronto, ON, CAN 26 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/21 3388002269
Saskatoon Health Care Facilities – Elevator Maintenance Saskatchewan Health Authority Saskatchewan, CAN 27 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/22 443457260470
Ulimot Carvers Studio Building 595D Retrofit Government of Nunavut Nunavut, CAN 23 day(s) left Published 2025/03/25 Closing 2025/04/18 443457126234

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