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Trouver des appels d’offres fermés en hvac

(4 878 résultats)
4 878 résultats
ROOF AND HVAC REPLACEMENT Haldimand County Ontario, CAN Date de publication 2015-06-03 Fermé 2015-06-23 879465049
VALLEYVIEW BUILDING HVAC UPGRADE Northern Lakes College Canada Date de publication 2014-06-09 Fermé 2014-06-25 879501019
Fire Hall HVAC Upgrades City Of Campbell River Canada Date de publication 2015-06-22 Fermé 2015-06-26 879536329
Library Parkade HVAC Upgrade City of Kelowna Canada Date de publication 2014-05-06 Fermé 2014-05-20 879544670
HVAC Upgrades - Public Works City of Victoria Canada Date de publication 2015-10-02 Fermé 2015-10-22 879599089
HVAC Control System Upgrade Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Canada Date de publication 2016-07-29 Fermé 2016-08-26 879635205
HVAC Maintenance & Repair Services Government of Nova Scotia Nouvelle Écosse, CAN Date de publication 2019-02-26 Fermé 2019-03-14 879647495
Huntsville Library HVAC Replacement Town of Huntsville Canada Date de publication 2017-02-23 Fermé 2017-03-03 879652858
BCC - HVAC Maintenance Services Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Saskatchewan, CAN Date de publication 2018-09-17 Fermé 2018-10-01 879679239
HVAC and DHWT Replacements BC Housing Colombie Britannique, CAN Date de publication 2016-08-09 Fermé 2016-09-06 879683427
Temporary Power and HVAC Pan American Games/Parapan American Games - Toronto 2015 Ontario, CAN Date de publication 2014-06-23 Fermé 2014-08-08 879689630
Fire Hall HVAC Upgrades City Of Campbell River Canada Date de publication 2015-05-21 Fermé 2015-06-10 879693046
Supply of HVAC Filters City of Kelowna Canada Date de publication 2015-04-22 Fermé 2015-04-28 879695140
Réparer HVAC dans le Bureau 226 BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Outaouais, QC, CAN Date de publication 2020-06-03 Fermé 2020-06-29 915916042  (s’ouvre dans un autre onglet)
HVAC MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Alberta Public Sector Alberta, CAN Date de publication 2020-10-19 Fermé 2020-11-02 1005455116
HVAC UV Disinfection Upgrades Superior-Greenstone District School Board Northwest, ON, CAN Date de publication 2021-04-13 Fermé 2021-05-05 1776759074
SEDGEWICK ARENA HVAC UPGRADE Alberta Public Sector Alberta, CAN Date de publication 2021-04-23 Fermé 2021-05-13 1140269650
Window and HVAC Upgrades Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Manitoba, CAN Date de publication 2021-07-07 Fermé 2021-07-28 1867866853
J Building – HVAC Retrofit Humber Polytechnic Canada Date de publication 2022-03-14 Fermé 2022-04-11 2146206859
Contractor - LAS - HVAC Modifications BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Ontario, CAN
ON - 44 - Niagara, ON, CAN
Date de publication 2023-12-14 Fermé 2024-01-18 42978136347
 (s’ouvre dans un autre onglet)
HVAC Rooftop Units Replacement City Of Saskatoon Saskatchewan, CAN Date de publication 2024-03-19 Fermé 2024-04-02 43067715104
SOUTHERN OPERATIONS HVAC SERVICES Alberta Public Sector Alberta, CAN Date de publication 2024-04-18 Fermé 2024-05-02 443101186586
HVAC upgrade at Facility BGIS - PWGSC RP1 Nouveau Brunswick, CAN
Ile du Prince Edouard, CAN (...)
Date de publication 2025-01-10 Fermé 2025-02-10 443374550271
 (s’ouvre dans un autre onglet)
Plaza 400 HVAC Upgrade RPD Northern BC, BC, CAN Date de publication 2017-03-07 Fermé 2017-04-11 559713144  (s’ouvre dans un autre onglet)
HVAC Upgrades VAV Boxes BGIS - PWGSC RP1 ON - 11 - Ottawa, ON, CAN Date de publication 2015-07-06 Fermé 2015-07-29 560090118  (s’ouvre dans un autre onglet)

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