As the Main Construction Manager for the Faro Mine Complex, Parsons Inc., will be conducting a two phased procurement approach for the Permanent Water Treatment Plant Project (PWTP) at the Faro Mine Complex in Faro, Yukon. Phase 1 will be a Request for Qualification (RFQ) which we anticipate will be released by the end of January 2023. The RFQ will be approximately a two-week window for Respondents to provide a Response to the RFQ.
A short list of Respondents will be determined as a result of the RFQ and those Respondents will be invited to participate in Phase 2, a Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to determine which Respondent will be awarded a subcontract to conduct the PWTP Project. The RFP will be subsequently released as soon as possible.
The FMRP is located in the asserted traditional territory of the Kaska Nation, with Ross River Dena Council being the closest community to the project area. The PWTP may support maximum hydraulic flows of 75,000 cubic meters of water per day. The PWTP Project will utilize a lime High Density Sludge (HDS) process consisting of a water treatment building, slurry tank, Lime Silo, reactors, polymer addition, thickener, filter building, O&M building, influent & effluent conveyance and pit pumping unit.