The University of Ottawa is seeking proposals for the acquisition and installation of furniture for the IT work space in Vanier Hall that is being created as part of a consolidation initiative at the University of Ottawa. The standard desks, chairs and tables are being obtained through the University’s existing standing offer, but there is a package of various stools, pods, modular sofas, ottomans and tables etc. which are being sought to complete the work space.
The University of Ottawa is seeking to partner with one or more firms to provide innovative state of the art furniture for IT employees to use in a hoteling work environment, where employees will not have a permanent station. Employees wishing to work at standard desking may do so and others may wish to work at modular sofas, in pods or even at treadmill or bicycle desks. Proposals will be evaluated on price as well as conformity to specification and innovation in product offering. (See Section C- 3
Evaluation of Proposals).
Renovation of the work space in Vanier Hall began in March, 2019 and is slated to be completed by early November, 2019.
In order to provide the University with a better understanding of the Proponent’s organization and ability to provide the products and service required, the Proponents should include information relating to the following points regarding the Proponent and its proposal. Whenever possible, proponents should provide a current site or showroom where the University client could see the products offered, if a tie breaker is needed.
1) Product- Evaluation Weighting 50%
Provide a listing or catalogue of product offerings, highlighting adaptability, suitability,
durability and environmental sustainability as well as demonstrating the design and
ergonomic features of the products. Also provide standard warranties.
2) Conformity to Specifications- Evaluation Weighting 15%
Considering the specification documents included in this RFP, please demonstrate how your products and services meet the requirements of the University and are compatible to the building profile. The University is seeking a broad selection of finishes and materials and points will be awarded for breadth of selection. Colour and finishes may be supplied as physical samples or in colour copy format.
3) Pricing- Evaluation Weighting 35%
Proponents are required to complete the bid form for all furniture for which they wish to be considered. Each product will be compared and scored individually, but as much as possible and where it makes sense from a product perspective, the University will choose furniture groupings from a single vendor. Proponents must submit signed Bid Form.