Notice of Intended Procurement
Name of Procuring Entity
Toronto Metropolitan University (the “University”)
Contact Person and Contract Person Coordinates
Aris Medeiros, 1 Dundas St West, 16th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5B 2H1, 416-979-5000 ext. 554349
Procurement Documents
The procurement documents are available at
Note that obtaining access to the procurement documents will require prospective suppliers to register and pay a registration fee. Pricing and Payment Terms are available on the MERX website.
Description of Procurement
This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation to prospective Proponents to submit a Proposal indicating their organization’s capability and resources in providing Fire Alarm and Critical System Monitoring in compliance with the requirements of the Ontario Fire Code and CAN/ULC-S561 “Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems”, for all University buildings.
The Deliverables include, but are not limited to:
- Installation of ULC compliant monitoring equipment;
- Testing and commissioning of the equipment in conformance with the Ontario Fire Code and applicable standards;
- Production of monitoring service compliance documents certifying central station and monitoring equipment complies with CAN/ULC-S561;
- Maintenance of the monitoring equipment and the monitoring service (including equipment at the central station) in accordance with CAN/ULC-S561;
- Coordination with TMU and TMU Service Contractors with respect to fire alarm and critical system monitoring verification(s), monthly fire alarm testing and any CAN/ULC-S561 maintenance requirements;
- Training of TMU staff and Security on the procedures for receiving monitoring notifications, monitoring bypassing, monitoring equipment failures, and monitoring maintenance requirements.
The University intends to execute a Master Services Agreement provided in Appendix E.
Address and Final Date for Submissions
Submissions must be submitted electronically at on or before April 8, 2025, 11:00:00 AM
The submissions will not be opened publicly.
Conditions for Participation
The procurement is subject to the following conditions for participation:
Mandatory Submission Requirements
File #1 Proposal Acknowledgement Form - Pass/Fail
Minimum Passing Score
The Minimum Passing Score for Stage 2: Technical is 40 Points out of 60 Points.
The Minimum Passing Score for Stage 3: Presentation is 10 out of 15 Points.
Applicable Trade Agreements
This procurement is subject to the following trade agreement(s):
BPS Procurement Directive
The Canadian Free Trade Agreement, Chapter Five
The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Chapter 9
Contract Details
The term of the Final Agreement is three (3) years, plus two optional renewal periods of one (1) year each, at the discretion of the University.
The University will base its selection of qualified suppliers on the following criteria:
Mandatory Evaluation Criteria
File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement Form Pass/Fail
Technical Evaluation Criteria
File #2 - Company Information 10
File #3 – Relevant Experience 20
File #4 – Understanding the Assignment 20
File #5 – Modern Slavery Act (Canada) 5
File #6 – Social and Sustainable Practices 5
Subtotal 60
Financial Evaluation Criteria
Total Base Bid Fee 40
Subtotal 40
Total Evaluated Score for Stages 2, and Stage 3 100
Suppliers should note that information contained within this notice is subject to change. Suppliers are encouraged to obtain the procurement documents which contain the most current information. If there is a conflict between the procurement documents and this notice, the procurement documents will take precedence.