The key objectives of this RFP include: The design, supply and installation of a pylon sign appropriate for the Petawawa Civic Centre Complex. The pylon sign design should include backlighting and a digital display option. The design, supply and installation of a rear entrance sign appropriate for the Petawawa Civic Centre Complex. The sign design should include backlighting and be appropriate in size for its intended use. The pylon sign and rear entrance sign designs shall consider key design elements currently utilized in the municipal signage program such as colours, watermark, logo, fonts, shape(s) etc. The current municipal signage program and the design elements contained within have been applied to a number of new park and facility sign installations throughout the municipality over the past couple of years
Potential proponents must provide contact information to the Town (e-mail to in order to be placed on the distribution list and to be advised of any addenda or further information that may be issued regarding this project. A mandatory site meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 17, 2018 at 2:00 pm.
All amendments to the associated notice, including amended documents, plans and specifications (where applicable), are issued by the originator of the notice. MERX asks you to contact the buying agency directly for these amendments. MERX stipulates that potential bidders may also be required to register with the buying authority as a bidder/plan taker. The contact information can be found within the main tender document and/or on this notice abstract.