D3.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of two (2) parts:
(a) Part 1 – City Funded Work; and
(b) Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work.
Part 1 – City Funded Work
Part 1 – City Funded Work shall consist of:
(a) Asphalt Reconstruction:
(i) Cromwell Street from St Mary’s Road to Lyndale Drive;
(b) Asphalt Rehabilitation:
(i) Paterson Street from Lochmoor Avenue to East End;
(c) Pavement Rehabilitation:
(i) Desjardins Drive Frontage from #127 Desjardins Drive to #167 Desjardins Drive;
(ii) Lomond Boulevard from Paterson Street to Paterson Street;
(iii) Surfside Crescent from Desjardins Drive to De la Seigneurie Boulevard;
(iv) Huppe Bay from Island Shore Boulevard to Island Shore Boulevard;
(v) Jubinville Bay from Betournay Street to Betournay Street;
(vi) Westmount Bay from Cottonwood Road to Cottonwood Road; and
(vii) Willow Point Road from Pebble Beach Roda to Willowlake Crescent;
(d) Thin Bituminous Overlay:
(i) Heather Road from Winakwa Road to Harper Avenue; and
(ii) Maywood Road from Cottonwood Road to Cottonwood Road;
(e) Resurfacing:
(i) Ashdale Avenue from Lyndale Drive to Highfield Street;
(f) Winnipeg Transit Funded Work:
(i) Elizabeth Road at De Bourmont Avenue;
(ii) Niakwa Road at St Anne’s Road; and
(iii) Lakewood Boulevard at Abinojii Mikanah;
(g) Traffic Signals Funded Work:
(i) Lakewood Boulevard at Abinojii Mikanah;
(h) Water and Waste Funded Work.
Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work
D3.3 Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work shall consist of:
(a) Street Lighting and Associated Works:
(i) Cromwell Street from St Mary’s Road to Lyndale Drive.
D3.4 The City currently has no approved funding in the Capital Budget for Part 2 of the Work, but is anticipating receiving notification about funding from Manitoba Hydro by late May. Part 2 of the Work is contingent upon Manitoba Hydro approving sufficient funding.
D3.4.1 Further to C7.1, if notice of sufficient funding is not received, the City shall have the right to eliminate all or any portion of Part 2, and the Contract Price will be reduced accordingly.
D3.4.2 Further to C7.5, C7.5.1, and C7.6, a reduction in the Contract Price pursuant to D3.4.1 shall not be considered in calculating the aggregate reduction in the Contract Price for purposes of C7.5.
D3.4.3 If all or any portion of Part 2 is eliminated pursuant to D3.4.1, the time periods stipulated in D25 for Substantial Performance of the Work and in D26 for Total Performance of the Work will be reduced proportionally by the Contract Administrator acting reasonably.
D3.5 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) Asphalt Reconstruction:
(i) remove existing pavement;
(ii) excavation;
(iii) installation of subdrains;
(iv) compaction of existing subgrade;
(v) installation of streetlights and associated infrastructure;
(vi) install watermain insulation as required;
(vii) installation of manhole;
(viii) installation of streetlights and associated infrastructure;
(ix) installation of catch basins and connecting pipe;
(x) placement of geotextile fabric and geogrid;
(xi) placement of sub-base and base course materials;
(xii) construct one hundred eighty (180) millimetres (mm) curb and reversed gutter for asphalt pavements (utilizing slip-form paving equipment) as required;
(xiii) adjustment of existing drainage inlets, valves and manholes as required;
(xiv) renewal of existing sidewalk;
(xv) construction of one hundred (100) mm concrete sidewalk;
(xvi) installation of detectable warning tiles;
(xvii) placement of MS2 asphalt pavement utilizing grade control equipment (average thickness of sixty (60) mm);
(xviii) placement of MS1 asphalt pavement utilizing grade control equipment (average thickness of fifty (50) mm);
(xix) reflective crack maintenance for new asphalt as required and along all new curb and gutter;
(xx) cleaning of all catch basins and catch pits in the project area; and
(xxi) boulevard grading and sodding;
(b) Asphalt Rehabilitation:
(i) planing of existing asphalt overlay as required;
(ii) installation and repairs to catch basin and catch basin lead;
(iii) repairs to existing manholes and sewers;
(iv) adjustment of existing pavement appurtenances;
(v) full depth (one hundred fifty (150) mm reinforced) concrete repairs of existing slabs and joints;
(vi) construction of curb and miscellaneous concrete slabs as required;
(vii) removal of existing aluminum guardrail;
(viii) construction of three hundred thirty (330) mm concrete safety curb;
(ix) completion of boulevard grading;
(x) installation of topsoil and sod;
(xi) placement of mainline asphalt overlay (average thickness fifty to one hundred (50-100) mm) utilizing automatic grade control for final lift; and
(xii) reflective crack maintenance for new asphalt as required;
(c) Pavement Rehabilitation, Thin Bituminous Overlay and Resurfacing:
(i) planing of existing asphalt overlay as required;
(ii) installation and repairs to catch basin and catch basin lead;
(iii) repairs to existing manholes and sewers;
(iv) adjustment of existing pavement appurtenances;
(v) full depth (one hundred fifty (150) mm reinforced) concrete repairs of existing slabs and joints;
(vi) construction of curbs, curb ramps, bullnoses and miscellaneous concrete slabs as required;
(vii) construction of one hundred (100) mm concrete sidewalk;
(viii) installation of detectable warning tiles;
(ix) completion of boulevard grading;
(x) installation of topsoil and sod;
(xi) construction of asphalt speed humps;
(xii) placement of mainline asphalt overlay (average thickness fifty to eighty (50-80) mm) utilizing automatic grade control for final lift;
(xiii) pavement repair fabric reinforcement installation as required; and
(xiv) reflective crack maintenance for new asphalt as required.
(d) Winnipeg Transit Funded Work:
(i) remove existing pavement;
(ii) excavation;
(iii) placement of base course materials;
(iv) construction of curbs, curb ramps, bullnoses and miscellaneous concrete slabs as required;
(v) construction of two hundred (200) mm reinforced concrete pavements;
(vi) construction of one hundred (100) mm sidewalk;
(vii) construction of monolithic curb and one hundred (100) mm sidewalk;
(viii) construction of monolithic curb and one hundred (100) mm sidewalk with blockouts and indicator surfaces;
(ix) installation of detectable warning tiles;
(x) installation of paving stone indicator surfaces;
(xi) construction of reinforced transit shelter foundations;
(xii) removal of existing transit shelter foundations;
(xiii) installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) underground conduit, bases and pits;
(xiv) construction of asphalt patching; and
(xv) boulevard grading and sodding.