D4.1 The Services required under this Contract shall consist of pavement preservation treatments (reference Appendix B) in accordance with the following:
(a) East Bound and West Bound Meridian Drive from Discovery Place to Inksbrook Drive – PCC preservation;
(b) East/West Bound Logan Avenue from Blake Street to Railway Crossing Limits – PCC preservation;
(c) North Bound Century Street from South Limit of Ellice Avenue to 75 meters South of Saskatchewan Avenue (centre median bull nose) – 50mm Mill and Fill
(d) West Bound Grant Avenue from Shaftsbury Boulevard to 50 meters West of Haney Street – 50mm Mill and Fill / Minor rehab;
(e) East Bound Grant Avenue from William Clement Parkway to 20 meters East of Chalfont Road – 50mm Mill and Fill / Minor rehab; and
(f) East Bound Regent Avenue from 50 meters East of Stapon Road to East limit of Rougeau Road – 50mm Mill and Fill / Minor rehab;
(g) West Bound Regent Avenue from East limit of Rougeau Road to 50 meters East of Stapon Road – 50mm Mill and Fill / Minor rehab;
D4.2 The Streets Pavement Preservation Program work will include the following phases:
(a) Project planning and Preliminary Design as outlined in D5;
(b) Detailed Design and Contract (Tender) Preparation as outlined in D6;
(i) design and specification development;
(ii) drawing and specification preparation;
(iii) procurement process;
(c) Contract Administration services as outlined in D7;
(d) Post-Construction services as outlined in D8.
D4.3 Within the Project phases in D4.2, the Consultant may be required – depending upon location and technical scope of services – to conduct site investigation (geotechnical) services, materials testing services, Underground Structures acquisitions, pipeline loading assessments, and/or closed circuit television (CCTV) sewer inspection.
D4.3.1 Notwithstanding C8, Fees for Subconsultants engaged to perform services in D4.3 shall be payable as invoiced by the Subconsultant, plus an allowed handling fee of 5%.
D4.3.2 Consultant Fees for supervision of Subconsultants required to perform any services in D4.3 shall be considered as a Contract Administration Service, and included with Fees proposed in B8.
D4.4 The Project Location and Technical Scope of work are provided for in Appendix B.
D4.4.1 Project Locations are subject to the adoption of the Operating Budget by City Council. Substitutions and/or deletions may occur and may result in an adjustment in Fees as per B8.3.
D4.4.2 Project Location and Technical Scope is subject to final approval of the Consulting Contract Administrator.
D4.5 The Consultant is required to prepare and administrate one (1) Tender.
D4.6 Project Management services for Diamond Grinding will occur at times as directed by the Project Manager in D2.
D4.6.1 No additional payment will be considered for Consultant Services in the event where diamond grinding occurs outside regular daytime working hours.
D4.7 The Consultant is required to develop in consultation with the Public Works Department detailed Traffic Management and Construction staging plans that will minimize traffic disruption to the public. The approved detailed Traffic Management and Construction staging plan may involve the Consultant to provide Project Management services during off peak traffic times including weekends, evenings and night time. No additional payment will be considered for Contract Administration services during this time.
D4.7.1 The detailed Traffic Management plans are subject to final approval of the Project Manager.
D4.8 Unless otherwise specified below, Appendix A – Definition of Professional Consultant Services – Engineering – Public Works shall be applicable to the provision of Professional Engineering services for the Project listed in Appendix B.
D4.9 The Consultant is responsible for:
(a) Following current project management practices and utilizing the templates in Version 3.0 or in the most current version of the City of Winnipeg’s Asset Management Project Management Manual throughout all aspects and stages of the contract.
D4.10 Where applicable, the following shall apply to the services:
(a) City of Winnipeg’s Accessibility Design Standards (2015) and Universal Design Policy at: www.winnipeg.ca/ppd/Universal_Design.stm;
(b) the most current edition of The City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications;
(c) City of Winnipeg’s Project Management Manual, also at LINK;
(d) City of Winnipeg’s
Tree Planting Details and Specifications Downtown Area and Regional Streets, also at http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parksOpenSpace/UrbanForestry/default.stm;
(e) City of Winnipeg’s Tree Removal Guidelines, also at http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parksOpenSpace/UrbanForestry/default.stm;
(f) City of Winnipeg’s 2012 Draft Updated Transportation Standards Manual (previous version February 1991);
(g) Manual for the Production of Construction Drawings – City of Winnipeg (November 1984);
(h) Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies (adopted July 15, 2015) Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies;
(i) The most recent version of the Manual of Temporary Traffic Control on City Streets, at: https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/trafficControl/manual-temporary-traffic-control.stm
(j) Appropriate geometric standards set by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC);
(k) Current and best practices in pedestrian and cycling infrastructure design;
(l) Street Renewal Definitions https://www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/construction/roadway/roadRenewalDefinitions.stm#undefined
D4.11 The following documents are to be considered, where applicable:
(a) OurWinnipeg (adopted July 20, 2011); https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/interhom/cityhall/ourwinnipeg/default.stm
(b) OurWinnipeg Sustainable Transportation Strategy (adopted July 20, 2011); https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/interhom/cityhall/ourwinnipeg/default.stm
(c) Winnipeg Transportation Master Plan (adopted November 16, 2011). https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/transportation/transportationmasterplan.stm