D3.1 The Services required under this Contract shall consist of professional consulting services for a comprehensive ASHRAE level 2 energy audit at six (6) City of Winnipeg buildings in accordance with the following:
(a) The consultant shall conduct energy audits in accordance with the ASHRAE Level 2 standard, as specified in the ASHRAE 211-2018 guidelines.
(b) The audits will focus on identifying opportunities to reduce energy consumption, lower utility costs, and address existing peak electricity usage, while also exploring strategies to transition to low-carbon energy sources.
(c) Further to D3.1, the consultant team must conduct a minimum of one (1) site investigation in order to accurately assess and document observations of existing conditions;
(d) The six (6) City of Winnipeg buildings which are part of the RFP No. 1097-2024 include the following sites with applicable addresses:
(i) Pan Am Pool (15,149 m2) 25 Poseidon Bay
(ii) WPS Police Headquarters (79, 679 m2) 245 Smith Street
(iii) Confederation Building (7,202 m2) 457 Main Street
(iv) Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre (1,187 m2) 510 King Street
(v) Animal Services (2, 318 m2) 1057 Logan Avenue
(vi) Civic Centre Complex (19, 235 m2) 510 Main Street
(e) Consulting team personnel will be required to obtain and maintain Security Clearances as identified in Part E, for the duration of the assignment;
(f) A final draft copy of the complete detailed audit report is to be submitted for review and feedback to the Contract Administrator and City of Winnipeg team personnel prior to the final deliverable.
D3.1.1 The Services required under D3 shall be in accordance with the City’s Project Management Manual http://winnipeg.ca/infrastructure/asset-management-program/templates-manuals.stm#2 and templates http://winnipeg.ca/infrastructure/asset-management-program/templates-manuals.stm#4 . Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Consultant is being engaged by the City for their professional expertise; the Consultant shall bring to the Consulting Contract Administrator’s attention any aspect of the City’s Project Management Manual or templates which the Consultant is of the opinion is not consistent with good industry practice.
(a)Buildings represent one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inWinnipeg, accounting for 44.4 percent of community-wide emissions in 2022. At thecorporate level, City facilities accounted for 34 percent of overall energy use and 21percent of emissions. Most building emissions at the community-wide and corporatelevels come from the use of natural gas for heating purposes.
(b)OurWinnipeg 2045 sets out the City’s climate target of net zero emissions by 2050 whichaligns with federal and international targets. The Community Energy InvestmentRoadmap (CEIR) identifies City and community-wide systems level actions andinvestments to achieve this updated target. CEIR identifies that, after reducing the needfor energy and increasing energy efficiency, electrification of buildings is key to meetingour climate targets. Council directed the Public Service to implement CEIR in July 2022.
(c)The main objectives of the Energy audits are to:
(i)Reduce energy consumption in the listed buildings through various measures,including building envelope improvements and equipment upgrades.
(ii)Lower building utility costs.
(iii)Decrease peak electricity demand
(iv)Develop strategies for transitioning to low-carbon energy sources, with aspecific focus on moving from fossil fuels to electricity in Manitoba.
(d)The ASHRAE Level 2 energy audit shall include, but is not limited to the following:
(i)Facility description including, schedules, energy sources and comfort or healthconcerns including indoor environmental quality (IEQ) deficiencies.
(ii)Descriptive information for the following components, but not limited to:
(iii)Building envelope
(iv)Overall enclosure tightness
(vi)Domestic hot water
(vii)Lighting (interior and exterior)
(viii)Plug loads
(ix)Monthly and annual utility data; a minimum of 12 months is required, howeverideally 2-3 years of data should be analyzed.
(x)Utility rate information
(xi)Annual Energy Use Intensity and Energy Cost Index
(xii)Energy End-Use Breakdown
(xiii)Benchmarking against similar facilities.
(xiv)Identify potential capital EEM recommendations, including:
•Estimated implementation cost.
•Approximate measure lifespan.
•Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) which measures total cost of ownershipover the lifecycle of the retrofit, including installation, operation,maintenance, and disposal costs.
(xv)The financial analysis should incorporate a 2% annual escalation for electricityand natural gas prices. The carbon tax should increase until it reaches$170/tonne of CO2 in 2030, after which a 2% yearly escalation should beapplied.
(xvi)Potential energy and carbon reduction incentives and grants from organizationssuch as Efficiency Manitoba and the Green Municipal Fund etc.
(e)Efficiency Manitoba offer financial incentives and technical support for building ownersthat complete ASHRAE Level 2 or 3 audits for eligible commercial buildings:https://efficiencymb.ca/business/commercial-energy-audit-program/. Where possible,please take advantage of the Efficiency Energy Audit Program, however, please note thatthe energy auditor has to be a pre-qualified Consultant and the application must be approved prior to on-site assessment work.
(f) The City will provide a minimum of 1 year, up to 3 years of energy, demand and cost data along with the Manitoba Hydro rate each facility falls under to the selected consultant. It is understood that currently, electricity costs more than natural gas. The City acknowledges that transitioning to electricity may result in increased utility costs, however, the City is keen on exploring electrification options that leverage a coefficient of performance (COP) higher than 1 for applicable applications.
(g) Before and/or during the building walkthroughs, the consultant team shall create a draft layout for the energy audit report, outlining the contents of each section. This draft to be reviewed and approved by the City of Winnipeg project team.
D3.3 The following shall apply to the Services:
(a) City of Winnipeg Green Building Policy: New City-Owned Buildings and major additions
(b) Universal Design Policy
(c) Should this project include a public engagement aspect, it will be required to meet: Public Engagement Guidelines
D3.4 Total funds available for this Contract are $150,000.00 (MRST included, GST extra).