B3.1 Further to C3.1, the Proponent may view the Site without making an appointment.
B3.2 The Proponent is responsible for determining:
(a) the location of any utility which can be determined from the records or other information available at the offices of any public authority or person, including a municipal corporation
and any board or commission thereof, having jurisdiction or control over the utility;
(b) the nature of the surface and subsurface conditions at the Site;
(c) the location, nature, quality or quantity of the materials to be removed or to be employed in the performance of the Work;
(d) the nature, quality or quantity of the Plant needed to perform the Work;
(e) all matters concerning access to the Site, power supplies, location of existing services, utilities or materials necessary for the completion of the Work; and
(f) all other matters which could in any way affect their Proposal or the performance of the Work.
B3.3 The Proponent is responsible for inspecting the Site, the nature of the Work to be done and all conditions that might affect their Proposal or their performance of the Work, and shall assume all risk for conditions existing or arising in the course of the Work which have been or could have been determined through such inspection.
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