D2.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of the construction of clay dikes along the Primary and Secondary Dikes within the City of Winnipeg and loading of clay borrow material from the borrow site.
D2.2 Depending on site specific river levels, clay dike locations and sizes will be determined by the Contract Administrator as required. The Contract Administrator reserves the right to add or remove clay dike locations.
D2.3 The most current flood forecast is projecting a minor to moderate flood event. Approximate quantities of clay dike for the moderate event under this forecast is shown on Form B. As the flood forecast becomes more defined, actual quantities will increase or decrease, or be cancelled as a result. The following shows clay dike quantities:
(a) Minor to Moderate Flood Event
(i) Turnbull Drive - 750m3
D2.4 Locations shown in Appendix B include:
(a) Turnbull Drive
D2.5 For any additional dike locations added, the Contract Administrator will provide the Contractor(s) with approximate clay material required and location sketches.
D2.6 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) transportation of clay dike material from the designated borrow area shown in Appendix A to the site of the required clay dike as directed by the Contract Administrator;
(b) removal of any obstructions which interfere with construction of the clay dike, such as fences, tree, brush, etc., as directed by the Contract Administrator;
(c) construction of clay dikes;
(d) removal of clay dikes; and
(e) rough grade the areas disturbed by the dike construction as directed by the Contract Administrator.
D2.7 The major components of the Work for loading of clay borrow material are as follows:
(a) prepare loading area with 150mm limestone and filter fabric;
(b) maintain and clean any roads travelled on for the duration of the work;
(c) coordination and loading of trucks with clay material;
(d) removal of granular material and filter fabric;
(e) placement of the returned borrow material after the flood event as directed by the Contract Administrator; and
(f) rough grade the areas disturbed by the loading of clay borrow material as directed by the Contract Administrator.