D3.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of:
(a) Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Riverton Avenue from Stadacona Street to Allan Street
(ii) Simpson Avenue from London Street to Louelda Street
(b) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Allan Street from Thames Avenue to Tweed Avenue
(ii) Allan Street from Talbot Avenue to Nairn Avenue
(iii) Dunrobin Avenue from Henderson Highway to Roch Street
(iv) Hershey Street from Kimberley Avenue to End
(c) Thin Bituminous Overlay and Associated Works
(i) Allan Street from Tweed Avenue to Talbot Avenue
(d) Concrete Sidewalk Renewal and Associated Works
(i) Helmsdale Avenue from Kildonan Drive to Henderson Highway
(ii) Linden Avenue from Golspie Street to Raleigh Street
(e) Miscellaneous Transit Stop Improvements
(i) Concordia Avenue (Eastbound) – Concordia Avenue / London Street Intersection
(ii) Kimberly Avenue (Eastbound) – Kimberly Avenue / London Street Intersection
(iii) Panet Road (Southbound) – Panet Road / Munroe Avenue Intersection
(iv) Watt Street (Southbound) – Watt Street / Bronx Avenue Intersection
(f) Sewer Repairs and Associated Works
(i) Dunrobin Avenue from Henderson Highway to Roch Street
(ii) Simpson Avenue from London Street to Louelda Street
D3.2 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Removal of existing sidewalk;
(ii) Renewal of existing concrete sidewalk;
(iii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(iv) Regrading of existing sidewalk blocks as required;
(v) Regrading of existing interlocking paving stones as required;
(vi) Removal of existing pavement;
(vii) Removal of existing curb;
(viii) Complete required sewer service and sewer repairs;
(ix) Installation of catch basins and sewer service pipe;
(x) Installation of subdrains;
(xi) Removal of existing catch basins;
(xii) Abandon existing catch basins and drainage inlets;
(xiii) Excavation;
(xiv) Placement of Geotextile Fabric and Geogrid;
(xv) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(xvi) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures;
(xvii) Insulation of water services;
(xviii) Placement and compaction of sub-base material;
(xix) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement (reinforced);
(xx) Construction of barrier curb and reversed gutter for asphalt pavement (SD-200AA), utilizing slip-form paving equipment;
(xxi) Construction of modified barrier curb for asphalt pavement (SD-203C);
(xxii) Construction of lip curb for asphalt pavement (SD-202C);
(xxiii) Construction of curb ramp for asphalt pavement (SD-229F);
(xxiv) Construction of modified barrier curb;
(xxv) Construction of barrier curb;
(xxvi) Construction of curb ramp;
(xxvii) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(xxviii) Placement and compaction of 50mm sub-base material as backfill behind new curb;
(xxix) Placement and compaction of suitable site material as backfill behind new curb;
(xxx) Placement and compaction of base course material;
(xxxi) Tree stump grinding;
(xxxii) Grading of boulevards;
(xxxiii) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xxxiv) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS2, 60mm thickness);
(xxxv) Installation of pavement repair fabric at inlets and manholes (SD-220D);
(xxxvi) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 50-55 mm thickness);
(xxxvii) Placement of asphalt pavement tie-ins (Type MS1); and
(xxxviii) Placement of sod.
(b) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Renewal of existing sidewalks as required;
(ii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(iii) Regrading of existing sidewalk blocks as required;
(iv) Regrading of existing interlocking paving stones as required;
(v) Complete required sewer service and sewer repairs;
(vi) Abandon existing drainage inlets;
(vii) Adjusting curb inlet with new inlet box;
(viii) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement (reinforced);
(ix) Full depth concrete repairs of existing slabs and joints;
(x) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures;
(xi) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(xii) Construction of modified barrier curb;
(xiii) Construction of curb ramp;
(xiv) Tree stump grinding;
(xv) Grading of boulevards;
(xvi) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xvii) Installation of pavement repair fabric;
(xviii) Construction of asphalt overlay Dunrobin Avenue (average thickness 80mm, MS1, two lifts);
(xix) Construction of asphalt overlay Allan Street, Dunrobin Avenue and Hershey Street (average thickness 50mm, MS1, one lift);
(xx) Placement of asphalt pavement tie-ins (Type MS1); and
(xxi) Placement of sod.
(c) Thin Bituminous Overlay and Associated Works
(i) Renewal of existing sidewalks as required;
(ii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(iii) Removal of existing asphalt as required;
(iv) Full depth concrete repairs of existing joints;
(v) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures;
(vi) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(vii) Boulevard grading;
(viii) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(ix) Installation of pavement repair fabric (Type B);
(x) Placement of main line asphalt pavement (Type MS1);
(xi) Placement of asphalt pavement at tie-ins and approaches (Type MS1); and
(xii) Placement of sod.
(d) Concrete Sidewalk Renewal and Associated Works
(i) Renewal of existing concrete sidewalk;
(ii) Renewal of existing 150mm reinforced concrete sidewalk;
(iii) Renewal or construction of curb ramps;
(iv) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(v) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(vi) Construction of modified barrier curb;
(vii) Boulevard grading;
(viii) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(ix) Asphalt patching; and
(x) Placement of sod.
(e) Miscellaneous Transit Stop Improvements
(i) Tree removal
(ii) Pavement removal;
(iii) Excavation;
(iv) Subgrade compaction;
(v) Placement of geotextile fabric;
(vi) Placement of geogrid;
(vii) Placement and compaction of sub-base;
(viii) Placement and compaction of base course;
(ix) Construction of 200mm concrete pavement (reinforced);
(x) Construction of monolithic curb and sidewalk
(xi) Construction of concrete transit platform;
(xii) Construction of concrete sidewalk;
(xiii) Renewal/Installation of barrier curb;
(xiv) Construction of asphalt patches;
(xv) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures;
(xvi) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xvii) Placement of asphalt pavement on Concordia Layby Lane (Type MS1, 50mm thickness); and
(xviii) Placement of sod.
(f) Sewer Repairs and Associated Works
(i) Pre-construction sewer and sewer service video inspection;
(ii) Sewer service renewals and reconnections;
(iii) External point repair of existing sewer service pipe or sewer main;
(iv) Replace pre-cast concrete risers;
(v) Patching pre-cast concrete risers;
(vi) Patching of manholes;
(vii) Patching of pipe/MH interface;
(viii) Remove and replace benching of existing manhole; and
(ix) Post construction sewer and sewer service video inspection.