D3.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of two parts:
(a) Part 1 – City Funded Work
(b) Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work.
Part 1 – City Funded Work
D3.2 Part 1 – City Funded Work shall consist of:
(a) Asphalt Reconstruction
(i) Alumni Place – Chancellor Dr to Chancellor Dr
(ii) Chancellor Drive – Markham Rd to 475.0m East of Markham Rd
(iii) Marshall Crescent – Clarence Ave to Waller Ave
(b) Pavement Rehabilitation
(i) Carter Avenue – Lilac St to Pembina Hwy
(ii) Chatham Place – Morningside Dr to End
(iii) Dartmouth Drive – Pembina Hwy to Snow St
(iv) Grimston Road – Valence Ave to Valence Ave
(v) Hector Avenue – Wentworth St to Lilac St
(vi) Hector Avenue – Stafford St to Wentworth St
(vii) Markham Road – Pembina Hwy to Snow St
(viii) Morningside Drive – Rochester Ave to Valence Ave
(ix) Snow Street – End to Markham Rd
(x) Valence Avenue – Rochester Ave to Rochester Ave
(xi) Waller Avenue – 45.0m West of Vincent St to Pembina Hwy
(c) Transit Stop Improvements
(i) Morley Avenue (Westbound)
(ii) Pembina Highway (Southbound)
(iii) Station Place (Westbound)
(d) Pedestrian Crossing Improvement
(i) Grant Avenue – Grant Ave and Lilac St Intersection
Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work
D3.3 Part 2 – Manitoba Hydro Funded Work shall consist of:
(a) Street Lighting Renewal
(i) Alumni Place – Chancellor Dr to Chancellor Dr
(ii) Chancellor Drive – Markham Rd to 475.0m East of Markham Rd
(iii) Marshall Crescent – Clarence Ave to Waller Ave
D3.4 The City currently has no approved funding in the Capital Budget for Part 2 of the Work, but is anticipating receiving notification about funding from the Manitoba Hydro by late May. Part 2 of the Work is contingent upon the City approving sufficient funding.
D3.4.1 Further to C7.1, if notice of sufficient funding is not received, the City shall have the right to eliminate all or any portion of Part 2, and the Contract Price will be reduced accordingly.
D3.4.2 Further to C7.5, C7.5.1, and C7.6, a reduction in the Contract Price pursuant to D3.4.1 shall not be considered in calculating the aggregate reduction in the Contract Price for purposes of C7.5.
D3.4.3 If all or any portion of Part 2 is eliminated pursuant to D3.4.1, the time periods stipulated in D26 for Substantial Performance of the Work and in D27 for Total Performance of the Work will be reduced proportionally by the Contract Administrator acting reasonably.
D3.5 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) Asphalt Reconstruction
(i) Pavement Removal;
(ii) Excavation;
(iii) Placement of suitable site sub base material as required;
(iv) Placement of geotextile fabric;
(v) Placement of geogrid;
(vi) Insulation of water services;
(vii) Subgrade compaction;
(viii) Placement of sub-base and base course material;
(ix) Installation of Catch Basin and connecting pipes;
(x) Installation of subdrains;
(xi) Construction of 150mm barrier curb for asphalt pavements – utilizing slip form paving equipment (SD-200A);
(xii) Construction of modified barrier for asphalt pavements;
(xiii) Construction of 40mm lip curb for asphalt pavements (SD-202B);
(xiv) Construction of ramp curb for asphalt pavements;
(xv) Placement and compaction of 50mm sub-base material as backfill behind barrier curb for asphalt pavement within excavated area;
(xvi) Placement and compaction of suitable site material as backfill behind barrier curb for asphalt pavement within excavated area;
(xvii) Installation of 150mm reinforced concrete approach;
(xviii) Adjustment of precast sidewalk blocks;
(xix) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS2, 75mm thickness);
(xx) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 50mm thickness);
(xxi) Adjustment of existing catch basins, manholes and appurtenances; and
(xxii) Boulevard restoration and sod.
(b) Pavement Rehabilitation
(i) Planing/Removal of existing asphalt, as required;
(ii) Renewal of existing sidewalk, as required;
(iii) Construction of concrete sidewalk;
(iv) Installation of detectable warning tiles;
(v) Installation of catch basins / catch pits and connection pipes;
(vi) Abandon existing drainage inlets;
(vii) Full depth concrete joint and slab repairs as required;
(viii) Removal / renewal of existing curb;
(ix) Construction of modified lip curb;
(x) Construction of reverse curb and gutter
(xi) Installation / renewal of modified barrier curb and curb ramp;
(xii) Adjustment of precast sidewalk blocks;
(xiii) Adjustment of existing catch basin, catch pit, and manhole frames and covers;
(xiv) Adjustment of water main valves, curb stops and other appurtenances;
(xv) Placement of pavement repair fabric, as required;
(xvi) Shaping of existing base course and placing of additional base course as required;
(xvii) Placement of asphalt overlay;
(i) Thickness 80-90mm (average)
(ii) Type MS2, 75mm Thickness
(iii) Type MS1, 50mm Thickness
(xvii) Boulevard restoration and sod.
(c) Transit Stop Improvements
(i) Boulevard excavation;
(ii) Placement of base course (50mm thick);
(iii) Construction of new 100mm sidewalk;
(iv) Renewal of existing sidewalk, as required;
(v) Renewal of existing curb, as required;
(vi) Restoration of boulevard
(d) Pedestrian Crossing Improvement
(i) Boulevard excavation;
(ii)Removal/renewal of existing curb;
(iii) Construction of concrete sidewalk;
(iv) Installation of detectable warning tiles;
(v) Boulevard restoration and sod; and
(vi) Installation of conduit, concrete bases, service boxes and ground rods for Traffic Signals.
(e) Water and Waste Works
(i) Sewer point repairs
(ii) Manhole installation
(iii) Water main and water service insulation
(f) Street lighting renewal
(i) Remove and replace existing street lighting