D3.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of:
(a) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Barrington Avenue from Pulberry Street to St Marys Road
(ii) St David Place from St David Road to St David Road
(iii) St David Road from Fermor Avenue to Havelock Avenue
(iv) Thorndale Avenue from St David Road to St Marys Road
(b) Sidewalk Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Bronstone Boulevard from St Marys Road to West Fernwood Avenue
(c) New Asphalt Pathway and Associated Works
(i) Carey Park from Kingston Row to Elm Park Road
(ii) Southdale Pathway from Lakewood Boulevard to Park Grove Drive
(d) Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Hastings Boulevard from Dunkirk Drive to West Limit
D3.2 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Excavation (Barrington Avenue, St David Road, St David Place);
(ii) Removal of existing sidewalk (St David Road);
(iii) Placement and compaction of base-course material;
(iv) Construction of concrete sidewalk (Barrington Avenue, St David Road, St David Place);
(v) Renewal of existing sidewalks as required;
(vi) Regrading of existing sidewalk blocks as required;
(vii) Regrading of existing interlocking paving stones as required;
(viii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles (Thorndale Avenue, St David Road);
(ix) Planing of existing asphalt and at intersections as required;
(x) Complete required sewer service and sewer repairs;
(xi) Abandon existing drainage inlets (St David Road);
(xii) Planing of existing integral barrier curb as required;
(xiii) Removal of existing pavement (Thorndale Avenue);
(xiv) Full depth concrete repairs of existing slabs and joints;
(xv) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures;
(xvi) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(xvii) Renewal of existing curb ramp;
(xviii) Renewal of existing monolithic curb and sidewalk (Barrington Avenue, Thorndale Avenue);
(xix) Construction of new monolithic curb and sidewalk (St David Place);
(xx) Construction of curb ramp (St David Place, St David Road);
(xxi) Tree stump grinding;
(xxii) Tree removal (Barrington Avenue, St David Road);
(xxiii) Tree pruning (Barrington Avenue, St David Place, St David Road);
(xxiv) Boulevard restorations and sod;
(xxv) Placement of asphalt scratch, Type MS1
(xxvi) Installation of Pavement Repair Fabric; and
(xxvii) Placement of asphalt overlay Type MS1
(b) Sidewalk Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Removal of existing pavement;
(ii) Construction of 150mm concrete sidewalk (reinforced);
(iii) Renewal of existing sidewalk;
(iv) Construction of curb ramp;
(v) Regrading of existing sidewalk blocks as required;
(vi) Regrading of existing interlocking paving stones as required;
(vii) Renewal of existing curb ramps as required;
(viii) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(ix) Construction of modified barrier curb;
(x) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(xi) Renewal of concrete bullnose;
(xii) Placement of asphalt pavement tie-ins; and
(xiii) Boulevard restoration and sod;
(c) New Asphalt Pathway and Associated Works
(i) Removal of existing concrete sidewalk;
(ii) Excavation;
(iii) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(iv) Placement and compaction of sub-base material;
(v) Placement and compaction of base-course material;
(vi) Placement of Geotextile Fabric and Geogrid;
(vii) Removal and disposal of bench;
(viii) Construction of new accessible bench nodes;
(ix) Placement of asphalt pavement Type MS1;
(x) Installation of benches;
(xi) Renewal of existing sidewalks as required;
(xii) Renewal of existing curb ramps;
(xiii) Boulevard restoration and sod; and
(xiv) Adjustment of existing boulevard structures
(d) Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction and Associated Works (i) Complete required sewer service and sewer repairs;
(ii) Abandon existing catch basins and drainage inlets;
(iii) Removal of existing sidewalk;
(iv) Removal of existing curb;
(v) Tree stump grinding;
(vi) Construction of 100mm concrete monolithic curb and sidewalk;
(vii) Renewal of existing concrete sidewalk as required;
(viii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(ix) Removal of existing pavement;
(x) Excavation;
(xi) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(xii) Placement of geotextile fabric and geogrid;
(xiii) Installation of catch basins and sewer service pipes;
(xiv) Installation of sub drains;
(xv) Placement and compaction of sub-base material (placed in two lifts);
(xvi) Placement and compaction of base-course material;
(xvii) Construction of 100mm by 200mm concrete curb for asphalt approach;
(xviii) Construction of 40mm lip curb (separate);
(xix) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement approach (reinforced);
(xx) Construction of barrier curb and reversed gutter for asphalt pavement, utilizing slip form paving equipment;
(xxi) Construction of modified barrier curb with reversed gutter for asphalt pavement;
(xxii) Construction of curb ramp for asphalt pavement;
(xxiii) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement (plain dowelled) for inlet isolations for asphalt pavement;
(xxiv) Construction of modified barrier curb;
(xxv) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(xxvi) Renewal of existing curb ramp as required;
(xxvii) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS2, 70mm thickness);
(xxviii) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 50mm thickness);
(xxix) Construction of asphalt pavement approach (70mm thickness);
(xxx) Placement of asphalt pavement tie-ins;
(xxxi) Adjustment of existing pavement and boulevard structures; and
(xxxii) Boulevard restoration and sod;