D3.1 The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of:
(a) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Callum Crescent from Donwood Drive to Donwood Drive
(ii) Corinne Street from Oakland Avenue to Mark Pearce Avenue
(iii) Dunits Drive from Springfield Road to Dunits Drive
(iv) Dunits Drive from Dunits Drive to Jim Smith Drive
(v) Kingsford Avenue from Roch Street to Rothesay Street
(b) Asphalt Resurfacing and Associated Works
(i) De Vries Avenue from McIvor Avenue to Ragsdill Road
(ii) De Vries Avenue from Bonner Avenue to Headmaster Row
(c) Asphalt Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) De Vries Avenue from Ragsdill Road to Bonner Avenue
(d) New Multi-Use Pathway and Associated Works
(i) De Vries Avenue from McIvor Avenue to Headmaster Row
D3.2 The major components of the Work are as follows:
(a) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Associated Works
(i) Removal of existing asphalt as required;
(ii) Removal of existing concrete pavement as required;
(iii) Installation of catch basins and drainage connection pipes;
(iv) Installation of catch pits and drainage connection pipes;
(v) Full depth concrete repairs of existing slabs and joints;
(vi) Excavation;
(vii) Placement and compaction of base course material;
(viii) Construction of new concrete sidewalk;
(ix) Construction of new 150mm concrete pavement (reinforced);
(x) Adjusting curb inlet with new inlet box;
(xi) Removal of existing lip curb as required;
(xii) Renewal of existing concrete sidewalk;
(xiii) Renewal of modified lip curb (Dunits and Callum);
(xiv) Renewal of barrier curb (Kingsford and Corinne);
(xv) Renewal or construction of modified barrier curb;
(xvi) Renewal or construction of curb ramp;
(xvii) Partial depth milling and asphalt patching of existing joints;
(xviii) Installation of detectable warning surface tiles;
(xix) Boulevard grading;
(xx) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xxi) Construction of MS2 asphalt scratch (Kingsford);
(xxii) Construction of MS1 asphalt scratch (Corinne, Dunits, Callum);
(xxiii) Installation of pavement repair fabric;
(xxiv) Construction of type MS1 asphalt overlay; and
(xxv) Placement of sod.
(b) Asphalt Resurfacing and Associated Works
(i) Re-grading existing ditch;
(ii) Remove and replace existing culvert(s);
(iii) Excavation of shoulder widening;
(iv) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(v) Placement of geotextile fabric;
(vi) Placement of sub-base material;
(vii) Installation of catch pits and drainage connection pipes;
(viii) Placement and compaction of base course material;
(ix) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement;
(x) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xi) Planing of existing asphalt pavement;
(xii) Placement of asphalt scratch (Type MS1, 40mm average thickness);
(xiii) Installation of pavement repair fabric;
(xiv) Placement of final lift asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 40mm average thickness); and
(xv) Seeding.
(c) Asphalt Reconstruction and Associated Works
(i) Re-grading existing ditch;
(ii) Excavation;
(iii) Remove and replace existing culvert(s);
(iv) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(v) Placement of geotextile fabric and geogrid;
(vi) Placement of sub-base material;
(vii) Installation of catch pits and drainage connection pipes;
(viii) Construction of 150mm concrete pavement;
(ix) Placement and compaction of base course material;
(x) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xi) Planing of existing asphalt pavement;
(xii) Placement of asphalt scratch (Type MS2, 70mm thickness);
(xiii) Placement of final lift asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 55mm thickness); and
(xiv) Seeding
(d) New Multi-Use Pathway and Associated Works
(i) Excavation;
(ii) Compaction of existing sub-grade;
(iii) Placement of geotextile fabric;
(iv) Placement of sub-base material;
(v) Construction of barrier curb for asphalt pavement (SD-200A), utilizing slip-form paving equipment;
(vi) Construction of modified barrier curb for asphalt pavement;
(vii) Construction of curb ramp for asphalt pavement;
(viii) Construction of new concrete sidewalk
(ix) Placement of geogrid;
(x) Placement and compaction of base course material;
(xi) Renewal of existing curb as required;
(xii) Renewal of existing concrete sidewalk;
(xiii) Boulevard grading;
(xiv) Placement and compaction of topsoil;
(xv) Placement of asphalt pavement (Type MS1, 75mm thickness); and
(xvi) Placement of sod.