Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is a national, not-for-profit organization that conducts research focused on the human resource challenges and opportunities impacting the electricity and renewable industry and develops tools to support industry in addressing these challenges and opportunities.
Since 2005, EHRC has been the national voice of the Canadian electricity industry. Working alongside our partners and members, EHRC works to strengthen the ability of the Canadian electricity industry to meet current and future needs for their workforce – one that is highly skilled, safety-focused, diverse and productive.
One of EHRC’s aims is to deliver better diversity and inclusion strategies that are valuable in attracting and recruiting groups to improve workforce diversity in the electricity sector. EHRC has previously developed a comprehensive employer resource toolkit that considers recruitment, hiring, integration, retention strategies and tools to guide employers when hiring internationally trained workers (ITW) in the sector. The toolkit provides resources developed by EHRC and other subject matter experts in the following key areas:
• The business case for the recruiting ITWs
• An overview of the recruitment process
• Licensure/Certification requirements
• Tips for integrating ITWs into the workplace, including an Orientation Checklist
• Examples of best practices, including a summary of promising practices
The objective is to develop awareness, skills and knowledge on diversity and inclusion to harness the benefit of a diverse workforce, increase innovation capacity to foster an inclusive work culture, and meet the changing employment needs of the sector.
EHRC is requesting quotes to update the toolkit, in light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and current national trends and in alignment with other work EHRC has undertaken on DEI over the course of the past few years. As the electricity sector grows, EHRC is also exploring which occupations and competency mixes lend themselves to the best integration of ITWs. Though the current toolkit is available as a PDF document, additional methods for disseminating the information to employers will be considered.