For more information please contact the DCC bidder contact or visit https://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/english/e-procurement/
DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION CANADA (DCC) – Project# DN30409 – Demolish QM Vaults – Wings B123, 17 Wing Detachment Dundurn, Dundurn SK.
The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary to: Demolish 2 wings of Building 123 and enclose the exposed end walls from resulted demolition.
The Plans and Specifications (P&S) for this opportunity may be ordered from MERX by logging on their website: www.merx.com or by calling 1 (800) 964-MERX (6379). The P&S are also available for viewing at the local Construction Association.
Amendments to the tender documents should be obtained from MERX AS AMENDMENTS OBTAINED FROM OTHER SOURCES MAY NOT BE THE LATEST.
Bids from bidders whose name does not appear on the official list of bidders who ordered the tender documents, may be declared invalid.
To arrange site access please contact the DCC site Office at (306) 492-2135
ext 4135 or email: craig.taylor@dcc-cdc.gc.ca; or glenda.pryor@dcc-cdc.gc.ca . Please allow 48 hrs notice.
The estimated cost for this opportunity is in the range of $165,000.00
The Work must reach Substantial Completion no later than 45 calendar days after notification of contract award and must be completed no later than 30 calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion.
This procurement follows tendering procedures in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Agreement on Internal Trade.
Please note that the preliminary tender results for this project will be available on MERX.
Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed ONLY to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
The STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (DCL250), including the Instructions to Tenderers for Electronic Bidding - (Form DCL 193E), form part of the Tender Package by reference. A hard copy of these documents can be ordered from MERX or downloaded from the DCC Website at http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/documents/forms/DCL250_Standard_Construction_Contract_Documents.pdf
Bidders can obtain contract award results from the DCC Website at http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/english/awarded/.