The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary to replace furnaces, all supply & return air ducting, install HRVs and replace hot water tanks at various DND Housing Units at CFB Shilo, Manitoba
The Plans and Specifications (P&S) for this opportunity may be ordered from MERX by logging on their website: or by calling 1 (800) 964-MERX (6379). The P&S are also available for viewing at the Construction Association of Rural Manitoba.
Amendments to the tender documents should be obtained from MERX AS AMENDMENTS OBTAINED FROM OTHER SOURCES MAY NOT BE THE LATEST.
Bids from bidders whose name does not appear on the official list of bidders who ordered the tender documents, may be declared invalid.
Bidders are advised that bid and contract security is required for this project opportunity. Refer to the Instructions to Tenderers (Form DCL193), paragraph 5.
This procurement follows tendering procedures in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Agreement on Internal Trade.
The tender closing date is: October 5, 2016
The tender closing time is: 14:00 hours, local time.
Sealed tenders will be received at the following location:
Construction Association of Rural Manitoba
950-10th Street, Unit B
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 6B5
Fax No.: (204) 727-1048
Please note that the tender results for this project are available from the Bid Opening Office.
Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed ONLY to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned below. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
The STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (DCL250), including the Instructions to Tenderers - (Form DCL 193) forms part of the Tender Package by reference. A hard copy of these documents can be ordered from MERX and downloaded for the DCC website
Bidders can obtain contract award results from the DCC Website at