Project # 01: Fire and Life Safety Systems Study – Cayuga Courthouse (1056501-271447)
The Cayuga Courthouse Complex is located at 55 Munsee St. N. in Cayuga Ontario. The original courthouse and jail facility was built in 1851. The current two storey wings were constructed in 1877 at the same time as the jailer’s residence. The jailer residence was converted to courtroom in 2000. Currently, with some slight modifications, the building is being used to its original design function. The basement is mainly used as a utility space with some limited storage areas. The first floor contains the courtrooms, supporting court services offices and prisoner day use holding cells. The second floor of the courthouse and jail is used as office space, support services, library, and viewing balcony for courtroom 1.
The Cayuga (Haldimand County) Judicial Complex is a Provincial Heritage Property of Provincial Significance (PHPPS).
The intent of this study is to conduct a feasibility study on Fire and Life Safety (FLS) systems at Cayuga Courthouse. The study scope includes but is not limited to: assessing existing FLS systems condition, operation, applicable code compliance and determine if any upgrades/replacements are required. The recommendations from the successful proponent shall be reviewed by a qualified Heritage Consultant. It is the responsibility of the successful proponent to retain a Heritage consultant and obtain such review before submitting the final report to Colliers Project Leaders.
MGS security Clearance will be required for all staff involved in undertaking the Study.
Project # 02: Fire and Life Safety Systems Study – Ellen Fairclough Building (EFB) (1056505- 271444)
Ellen Fairclough Building (EFB), 20-storey (~94 m) high rise office building built in 1981. It's situated on the busy corner of King Street East and McNabb Street South. The building was first known as the Convention Centre when it first opened up in 1981. One year later in 1982 it was renamed the Ellen Fairclough Building. Ellen Fairclough was a Hamiltonian and the first female member of the Canadian Cabinet
The Hamilton Convention Centre is at the base of this government office tower and it is attached to the downtown Art Gallery and Hamilton Place auditorium on the South side of King Street and has a skywalk that crosses over that attaches to the Lloyd D. Jackson Square mall on the north side of the street. The building hosts multiple Ministries (~20).
The successful consultant will investigate the site, review the existing reports and meet with key stakeholders to gather information (2 on-site meetings). The study consists of comprehensive investigation of the EFB structure to determine the condition of the existing fireproofing. Study should include floor by floor mapping for fireproofing requirements (fire-resistance rating) based on NBC, OFC, OBC and other applicable codes, regulations, bylaws requirements. A class D cost estimates shall be provided for various options recommended by the consultant.
MGS security Clearance will be required to complete the Study.
Investigations to be completed afterhours and over the weekend.