IO, which is an agency of the Ontario Government, is a crown corporation owned by the Province of Ontario and established by the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011. OILC provides customer focused real estate services to the Ontario Government, including strategic portfolio management, asset management, property and land management, and capital projects.
1095228 DWD Repairs (273566)
The scope of work is to repair the domestic water distribution piping as recommended in project 1079900 Piping Study at EMDC. The work includes the following: Replace missing insulation and
PVC jacketing in multiple locations throughout the Institution; Remove and replace the galvanized domestic water piping from the basement up to the Penthouse Mechanical Room with new copper piping and insulate the piping.
1095222 HWD Repairs (273556)
The scope of work is to repair the hot water distribution system at EMDC in accordance with project 1079900 Piping Study. The work includes removing and replacing 2 isolation valves and 1 drain valve for six hydronic unit heaters on the first floor and removing and replacing 2 isolation valves and 1 drain valve for twelve hydronic unit heaters in the Penthouse. Provide insulation and PVC jacketing for the affected areas.
1095244 Sanitary Repairs (273560)
The scope of work is to repair the sanitary waste system at EMDC including removing, disposing, and replacing 2 sanitary sump pumps in the basement Mechanical Room with 2 new sanitary sump pumps. Replace the accessories including float switch, controllers, check valves, and valves. Integrate controllers to BAS. Remove and replace the existing ABS piping, insulation, and valves. Remove and replace 1 corroded storm wye fitting in Zone 3, level 2; 3 fittings in the basement and replace insulation in affected areas in accordance with Piping Study project No 1079900.