CAF-FCA already developed one pagers and social media posts, but is looking for additional outputs that will help communicate the key messages to employers. Outputs may include, but are limited to, infographics, additional social media posts, a press release, or videos. CAF-FCA is looking for advice from the contractor on the outputs that would have the greatest impact with the employer target audience and then CAF-FCA is seeking assistance with creating the outputs. Any outputs produced have to be created within the $33,000 budget (including HST). CAF-FCA will be responsible for translating text into French and for distributing the materials to employers.
Any outputs must adhere to CAF-FCA branding guidelines and complement CAF-FCA’s existing materials. The BC government logo also must be included. The logos will be provided by CAF-FCA to the contractor.
There is no requirement to do videos. However, if the contractor would like to do videos, the contractor must provide a story board with the main graphic frames and voice over text for CAF-FCA to review. CAF-FCA may make two rounds of changes to the video. Once the English video is finalized, a French video must be produced. CAF-FCA would translate the script into French. The contractor should be prepared to adjust the timing and graphics of the video to accommodate the French. There is no additional budget for filming interviews. All work must be completed within the current budget.
Any pictures must include a diverse range of individuals, including men, women, Indigenous peoples and racialized peoples.
Any content must be appropriate for an employer audience.