The Canada Council produces numerous and varied research documents each year. Through its Research, Evaluation and Performance Measurement Section, the Council produces a series of reports that use statistical and financial data reported in the CADAC system by Canadian arts organizations applying for recurring funding.
These CADAC reports are currently produced and published individually per discipline and serve to detect trends and to measure the health and vitality of a specific discipline and organization type across a range of output and outcome areas. Examples of these CADAC reports can be found in the Council's Research Library.
The main tasks and activities involved in the production of the CADAC disciplinary reports are:
· Database analysis using Microsoft Excel or similar analytical tools.
· Statistical description of the data, exploring relations between variables and trends.
· Explanation of the behavior of such variables (growth rates, trends, forecasts, etc.) according to the particular current situation of each CADAC organization and the artistic discipline in general.
· Production (writing) of approximately a 25 page document that includes the results obtained from the analysis, and all the necessary charts and tables. This document should contain an introduction, methodology, analysis of financial, economic and statistical data, summaries, end notes, and appendixes.
· Create a report cover and factsheet summary in Adobe InDesign.
· Validation of data and descriptive texts.