RFP 2019-13 – People Surveys: Culture, Diversity, & Inclusion Assessment Survey and Annual Employee Engagement Survey
The Art Gallery of Ontario (“AGO”) is inviting prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of: (1) a one-time culture, diversity, and inclusion assessment survey in 2019; and (2) an employee engagement survey to be administered in 2020, with an option in to extend the contract for additional engagement surveys in 2021 and 2022, at the discretion of the AGO. The AGO intends to retain a qualified vendor to work with the AGO’s People division to design and deliver the surveys and provide interpretation, presentation, and action planning around the survey results.
The successful proponent will provide the AGO with the design and delivery of a culture, diversity, and inclusion assessment survey solution in 2019 and an employee engagement survey solution in 2020, with an option to extend the contract for additional engagement surveys in 2021 and 2022. The surveys should capture demographic information and feedback regarding our organizational culture from our 650 employees and, optionally, at the discretion of the AGO, our volunteers (which range from 400-700 individuals and average around 600).
In this relationship, the successful proponent will:
- Identify the drivers of an engaged, diverse, and inclusive culture and recommend leading practices and benchmarking in culture, diversity, and inclusion, and employee engagement;
- Use best practices, specifically in the areas of culture, diversity, inclusion, and engagement, as demonstrated through previous work engagements and proven research;
- Provide support in planning the execution of the surveys through to the delivery of results to Leadership team;
- Provide survey solutions to assess (1) current organizational culture, diversity, and inclusion data, and (2) annual employee engagement. The surveys should:
- Be customizable and tailored to meet our needs;
- Ensure strictest confidentiality, anonymity, and security of data;
- Be designed to support ease of understanding and completion for a broad audience across multiple electronic platforms;
- Allow for timely final results, with the ability to monitor survey progress during open survey timeframe;
- Promote a high participation rate with an effective communication strategy and tools/templates;
- Summarize results, providing relevant industry benchmark comparisons and past year comparisons where applicable, with flexible reporting that considers the data results by organization, division, department, and teams (taking anonymity of sufficient numbers into account);
- Interpret results and provide post-survey analysis, which identifies the drivers of an engaged, diverse, and inclusive culture and enables a focused approach to action planning based on measured results;
- Provide recommendations on how to achieve our desired culture;
- Disseminate data including relevant reporting in formats best suited to a variety of levels (i.e. executive, team, etc.);
- Provide a web portal which would allow AGO to do own customized reporting following the completion of the survey;
- Provide relevant follow up and action planning for best results;
- Provide online action planning tools for the engagement survey;
- Provide timely trouble-shooting and support as required; and
- Ensure sustainability and flexibility with the ability to repeat the engagement survey, incorporate any requested changes and conduct pulse check surveys if needed.
The culture, diversity, and inclusion survey must go live on June 24, 2019. We anticipate that the engagement survey will take place in the spring/summer of 2020, with possible annual follow ups in 2021 and 2022.
We have issued employee engagement surveys on an annual basis for the last seven (7) years. In the past, we have intended to issue the volunteer engagement surveys on a bi-annual basis.
We are re-evaluating our approach and where it makes sense we might move to a quarterly pulse check engagement survey model, rather than an annual engagement survey. We are asking proponents to provide information and pricing for this alternate model as well.
The AGO will make available the engagement survey questions and results from past years to assist with the preparation of the survey and the analysis of results.
Terms of Engagement:
The successful proponent should be prepared to commence work immediately after the contract is awarded. The contract shall be valid from June 3, 2019 until December 31, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two additional years. The contract may only be extended to accommodate the completion of the one culture, diversity, and inclusion assessment survey and the three engagement surveys (if annual) or twelve pulse check surveys (if quarterly) contemplated in this RFP.
Conditions for Participation and Requirements to Request to Participate:
The successful vendor will be chosen on the basis of ability to create a cost-effective, meaningful, and culturally appropriate survey and reporting tool within the defined timescales, and which satisfies the project deliverables. The successful vendor must demonstrate, through their proposal, deep experience, understanding, and expertise around culture, diversity, and inclusion. The provider must support the project from conception to delivery of analytics across the organization. Candidates must be willing to plan and execute all work in consultation and conjunction with designated AGO management.
Procurement Method:
Request for Proposals. The AGO reserves the right to negotiate. The AGO may request a Best and Final Offer (BAFO).
Procuring Entity:
Art Gallery of Ontario
317 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1G4
RFP documents are available electronically via MERX in accordance with their fee structure.
This procurement is subject to the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive and may be subject to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement.