REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO RECONSTRUCT OTTY LAKE SIDE ROAD The Corporations of Tay Valley Township and the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley are seeking proposals from qualified Engineering Consultants to provide professional services for the reconstruction of Otty Lake Side Road. Submissions will be received at the Tay Valley Township Municipal Office, at the address indicated below, until 1:00 p.m. local time, on Thursday, August 31st, 2017. Submissions will be opened, in public, at the Municipal Office immediately following closing. A copy of the RFP can be found on either Township website at or For further information contact: Amanda Mabo, Clerk T: 613-267-5353 Ext. 130 Tay Valley Township Email: 217 Harper Road Perth, Ontario K7H 3C6
All amendments to the associated notice, including amended documents, plans and specifications (where applicable), are issued by the originator of the notice. MERX asks you to contact the buying agency directly for these amendments. MERX stipulates that potential bidders may also be required to register with the buying authority as a bidder/plan taker. The contact information can be found within the main tender document and/or on this notice abstract.