Bids are invited for the non-exclusive supply, delivery, maintenance and warranty of security and the access control systems for Toronto Police Service (TPS), as further described in this Request for Quotation (“RFQ”).
Quotations must be submitted through the MERX Electronic Bid Submission (“EBS”) System (, before the closing date and time outlined in the RFQ.
For assistance in using MERX, please contact MERX directly at 1-800-964-MERX or visit the MERX website at
Uploading large documents may take significant time, depending on file size and internet connection speed. It is strongly recommended that bidders review the MERX EBS instructions well in advance of the submission deadline and allow sufficient time before the submission deadline to upload documents and finalize their submissions. Bidders making submissions near the deadline do so at their own risk.
Bidders may amend their bids prior to the submission deadline by modifying or deleting and re-submitting their bid through the MERX EBS System in accordance with the instructions on the MERX website.
At any time throughout the RFQ process until the execution of a written agreement for provision of the deliverables, a bidder may withdraw a submitted bid. To withdraw a bid prior to the submission deadline, the bidder should delete their submission through the MERX EBS system. To withdraw a bid after the submission deadline, a notice of withdrawal must be sent to the Designated Official and must be signed by an authorized representative of the bidder.
The Bidder will be responsible to supply and maintain the existing access control system, access control equipment, software/hardware maintenance and support, and professional services to TPS including emergent support.
The Bidder must be a certified, trained and authorized by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (O.E.M.), reseller, distributor and/or manufacturer of system currently deployed throughout the TPS, refer to Appendix A – Mandatory Requirements for list of mandatory requirements. In addition, please refer to Appendix K – System Installation Performance Specifications for a detailed listing of specifications and scope of work.
It is required that the Bidder have experience in supplying and maintaining Software House (SWH) C-Cure 9000.
Note: TPS is not looking to replace the existing access control system infrastructure at this time.
The initial contract term shall be five (5) years, commencing upon the successful completion of security background checks of assigned Vendor personnel and TPSB approvals. Pricing must remain firm for the initial five (5) contract term.
TPS reserves the right to extend the contract for five (5) additional one (1) year period.
The decision to renew the Contract for any option term will be at the sole discretion of the TPS. All terms and conditions of the Contract shall remain in effect and continue during the optional years(s). Pricing shall be firm for the initial five year period.
The Vendor shall not assign or sub-contract any part of this contract to a third party without the prior written approval of TPS.
PIGGYBACK (if applicable)
The TPS may, upon request, permit other Public Bodies to purchase against any Contract which may result from this RFQ. Bidders are requested to indicate on the Pricing Submission form if they will extend the pricing, terms and conditions of this Bid to other Public Bodies, if the Bidder becomes the Vendor. If the Vendor agrees to this provision, participating agencies may enter into a Contract with the Vendor for the purchase of the Goods and/or Services described herein based on the terms, conditions, prices, and percentages offered by the Vendor. Minor changes in terms and conditions, including shipping and delivery options, may be negotiated by participating agencies. Please note: copies of the Vendor’s submission may need to be provided to the interested agency (in confidence) in order to review prior to participating.
The awarding of a Contract to a Vendor shall not be a guarantee of exclusivity.
All in accordance with the requirements stated in the RFQ document to be downloaded.