This RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to develop a Business Plan for Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) to own and operate a not-for-profit pharmacy. The Business Plan must outline the necessary steps to plan and prepare for the start up and management of the pharmacy.
Community members who live in remote/isolated communities face gaps in pharmaceutical care. To resolve these gaps in care, SLFNHA intends to open a not-for-profit pharmacy designed specifically for First Nations in accordance with federal and provincial legislation. Ultimately, our goal is to provide excellent pharmaceutical care for the First Nations communities served by SLFNHA (See schedule A for a map and list of communities).
The current system for pharmacy services involves the majority of prescriptions being filled at one of three community pharmacies in Sioux Lookout. Once filled, the prescriptions may be given to patients while they are still in town, either by pick-up or delivery. Most medications, however, are sent North to the nursing stations where they are handed out to patients by community health workers (CHWs).
This current model makes it difficult for patients to receive medication counselling by a pharmacist. For those that do receive counselling, language barriers may exist, making the experience ineffective. Patient medication handouts that are given with new prescriptions are only provided in English, which again is a language barrier for some.
The pharmacy we are envisioning will be able to provide regular consultation to patients in person or via telehealth in the presence of an interpreter (or through hiring pharmacists who speak the language) and would provide basic medical literature in traditional dialects. The pharmacy would explore the possibility of a central fill service and/or operating remote dispensing locations (RDLs) in communities. Utilizing supportive technologies for efficient and accurate dispensing would also be considered. We would work with a strategic education partner to offer Pharmacy Assistant training to individual(s) in the community to assist in interpretation of pharmacist counselling sessions, potentially be involved in the upkeep and operation of RDLs, and effectively oversee the personal and stock medication processes at the community level. Options for an electronic medication management tracking system in the North will also be explored.
The Ontario College of Pharmacists reviewed SLFNHA’s organizational structure and has confirmed that SLFNHA meets the requirements of section 142(5) of the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, which allows SLFNHA to own and operate a pharmacy without requiring the majority of its directors to be pharmacists.
The successful proponent is responsible for the following deliverables (the “Work”):
- Meet with SLFNHA Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, Director of Primary Care and pharmacist to discuss the scope of Work;
- Conduct relevant demographic and market related research to include in the Business Plan for a not-for-profit First Nations community pharmacy in Sioux Lookout. The Business Plan will include:
- Functional plan
- Marketing strategy (to include analysis of target population, demographics, demand projections, and utilization rates)
- Business strategy (to include research for supporting dispensing technologies, central fill options, remote dispensing locations, and electronic medication management tracking systems for the North.)
- SWOT analysis
- HR plan (include pharmacy assistant training options with strategic education partners)
- Social responsibility strategy
- Financial forecast (revenue, start up and continued operational costs)
- Business exit strategy
- The Functional Plan listed above will include:
- Scope of Project (Project objectives, Goals, Sub-phases, Tasks, Resources, Budget, Schedule)
- Site Selection
- Design Criteria
- Workload and workflow projections
- Operating cost implications that will include technologies, equipment, stock medications, and any current and future requirements in relation to applicable standards and policies
- HR plan must include:
- Compensation recommendations
- Timeframes for hiring
- Expertise and/or training required
- HR support resources required
- Other planning considerations
- Present Business Plan to SLFNHA Executive and receive feedback; and
- Provide Final Business Plan to SLFNHA with feedback incorporated.
June 7, 2019All proposals provided to SLFNHA
June 21, 2019Contract in place with Successful Proponent
- Consultant Qualifications:
- Experience with healthcare projects involving community pharmacy practice;
- Experience in health care capital planning;
- Experience with provincial and/or federal capital processes;
- Membership or affiliation in one or more of the following is desirable: AATO - Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario, PEO - Professional Engineers of Ontario, PMI - Project Management Institute;
- Working knowledge of relevant construction law and building codes is desirable;
- Strong architectural, mechanical, electrical background;
- Understanding of the unique context of remote fly-in First Nations communities;
- A strong understanding of First Nations governance and healthcare systems;
- Experience in developing processes that meet locally defined needs and reflect best practice; and
- Experience with First Nations community-based health service delivery.
- Consultant to provide the following information: Proponents should provide a proposal describing their abilities and expertise directly comparable to each component of this project, including:
- The name, size, location and description of firm
- The staff proposed for assignment to the project
- Qualifications and resumés of proposed staff
- Three examples of relevant experience with similar projects
- A work plan with a description of approach/methodology in managing the Work
- Three corporate references with contact information
- Fee proposal (both fixed and variable), hourly rates and expected disbursements for services provided
Proposals will be reviewed by an evaluation team. RFPs will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Consultant qualifications
- Experience with the capital process for health care institutions
- Proven success of the consultant in the provision of similar consulting services
- Proposed project approach, methodology and timelines
- Any added value that the consultant may bring to the project
- Cost
As part of the final selection, SLFNHA may solicit references from clients.
Each proponent (on its’ own behalf and on behalf of all members of its team, if any) shall declare in its response any real or perceived conflict of interest which either presently exists or can reasonably be foreseen as arising in the future. A conflict of interest will be evaluated on its merits and will not necessarily result in the exclusion of a response.
All interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification by sending an email to on or before 4:00 pm CST on May 29, 2019. Telephone inquiries will not be answered.
Proposals will be accepted by e-mail, mail, or delivery no later than June 7, 2019 at 4:00 pm CST.
By Email:
Proponents must ask for a “read receipt” as SLFNHA will not take responsibility for misdirected e-mail.
By Mail: Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority
61 Queen St, PO Box 1300
Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1B8
Attn: Sonia Link – Primary Care Team
SCHEDULE A – Communities Served by SLFNHA
ArolandKoochechingPoplar Hill
Bearskin LakeLac SeulSachigo Lake
Cat LakeMarten FallsSandy Lake
Deer LakeMcDowell LakeSlate Falls
Eagle LakeMuskrat DamWabigoon Lake
Fort SevernNeskantagaWapekeka
Kasabonika LakeNibinamikWawakapewin
KeewaywinNorth Spirit LakeWeagamow
Kingfisher LakeOjibway Nation of SaugeenWebequie
Kitchenuhmaykoosib InninuwugPikangikumWunnumin Lake