This Request For Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation to prospective proponents to submit Proposals for Professional Services to Perform an Operational Review of Cancer Care Manitoba as part of Manitoba’s Health System Transformation as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).
Shared Health Supply Chain Management is providing procurement support and the service delivery will be overseen by the Transformation Management Office as an initiative under the Manitoba Health System Transformation.
The Operational Review will examine the overall utilization and fiscal performance of CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB) by benchmarking with similar cancer organizations in Canada. This review will also include CCMB’s management approach/processes and outcomes in operational management, fiscal decision-making and oversight processes in planning and providing clinical Services.
In addition to conducting a review and analysis, the Services shall include the identification of areas of improvement for CCMB to address and/or rectify. Recommendations shall also be identified to improve areas of suboptimal performance and/or governance.
The ORCCMB must be completed within twelve (12) weeks of finalization of data collection, pending a negotiated start date to account for parameters outside of the proponent’s control. However, Shared Health is interested in obtaining Proposals from proponents that accelerate the delivery of the ORCCMB ahead of the timeframes set out in this RFP, including but not limited to access to comparable data, analysis tools, etc.
The scope of deliverables set out in each section of this RFP are provided only as a guideline based on our understanding of the processes undertaken by other jurisdictions to establish a ORCCMB. Proponents should structure their Proposal using the Phases set out in this RFP, but they are encouraged to structure the engagement process and deliverables in a way that will maximize their ability to deliver the ORCCMB.