AIMCo is a crown corporation established on January 1, 2008 and whose sole shareholder is the Province of Alberta. AIMCo was incorporated for the purpose of providing investment management services to certain Alberta public sector entities. AIMCo is one of Canada’s largest institutional investment managers and is responsible for the management of assets with a value of approximately $100 billion.
AIMCo’s Internal Audit Group (“IAG”) provides objective, risk-based assurance and advisory services to management and the Audit Committee, by conducting an Annual Internal Audit Plan spanning across the organization (front, middle and back office). IAG provides assurance to the Audit Committee by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance processes. Audit engagements focus on the adequacy and effectiveness of practices and include operational, information and technology management audits, assessments of internal and financial controls, as well as, specialized audits, risk assessment and advisory services engagements, new systems development, Information Technology (“IT”) project management, information and infrastructure security, Cyber Security, and Data Analytics.
The scope of Services, as described in a SOW include, but are not limited to, examinations of evidence for the purpose of providing independent assessments on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes within AIMCo. IAG is looking to supplement their in-house expertise with that of an external service provider(s) who will provide audit and assurance services. Under the direction of IAG, the Successful Prequalified Vendor(s) will be responsible for providing Services for internal audit reviews on an individual or team basis. The level of Services required from the Successful Prequalified Vendor(s) will depend on the specific audit project. These projects tend to be complex and may require specialized competencies in various areas. The range of specialized competencies is dependent on the specific project to be undertaken.
For further details refer to RFP document.